Mr. Klakovich's website

Welcome to your class website. Use the menu at the top of the screen to navigate where you need to go.

Home - Descriptions of pages (this page)

APES and Sheltered - This is where you will find specific content for your class with menus for Class info and forms, Daily Agendas and Unit Resources

Community Service - A list of community service opportunities which I update regularly. These are available to all students. For APES, these can be used for your STEP-UP hours

Ecuador - Interested in traveling to Ecuador to learn more about sustainable practices? We will travel during spring break

Green Team - How to get involved with our sustainability club

Bee Club - Find information about our CHS Bee Club here

Cool links and books - This is where I post cool stuff that may not be class related. Check it out and talk with me!

College letter of recommendation

If you got a lot out of this course, I would be happy to write your college recommendation. Because I teach many juniors, I get many requests. Get this done EARLY. There are only so many recommendations that I can write. Please do the following:

1 - Ask me first, in person 

2 - Fill out THIS questionnaire. It will help me write a great letter

 3 - As soon as you can, request me in Naviance. Ms Brooks in student services can help you with this

"Touch anything and find out that it is attached to everything else in the universe"

                                                                                                                              John Muir