books and links

Books that Klakovich recommends (Ask me about them!)

The Invention of Nature - Alexander Von Humboldt's New World (Andrea Wulf - 2015) An amazing book by one of history's most famous science minds that you probably never heard of

Finding the Mother Tree (Suzzane Simard - 2021) Facinating book about the fungal networks that connect many different spieces in the forest

And the Band Played on (Randy Shilts - 1987) - About the early history of the AIDS epidemic.

The Art of Racing in the Rain (Garth Stein) - A sometimes hilarious, sometimes very serious book about a family dealing with cancer.

Dragon's Egg -  (Robert L. Forward) Hard science fiction about life evolving on a neutron star. Some of this blew my mind

Contact  (Carl Sagan) Science fiction that delves into the roles of religion and science

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - (Robert m. Pirsig) - This book literally changed my life. Very philosophical 

Interested in environmental research?

Here is a great opportunity for those interested in STEM careers especially those from those students whose families are underrepresented in the science. The program is called Environmentors

Gap year idea:

Live, work and learn while living on an organic farm (programs all over the world)

Check out this website for more information


Work on environmental restoration and get a stipend! HERE is a link to their website

Thank you Bella Winkler for this information

Morehead Teen Science Cafe

HERE is a link to what is happening this week. Pizza at 5:30. Program usually lasts until 7:30. Mickey Jo Sorrell, Educator. 

Morehead Planetarium & Science Center

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

250 E. Franklin Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Other cool links:

Choosing a college major - Some good advice (from the NYT)

Chris Jordan - Running the numbers (wow this is cool AND informative!)

Free Rice! (Learn new words and more while helping to feed the hungry!)

Pecking Order (Short story loaded with chicken idioms, by Geoffrey Barber)

Alarmy app (This app will get you out of bed every time!)

   Google play store (free, its called "Alarm clock, Alarmy"

   Apple store ($7.99)

How to lash together bamboo for garden trellising 

(Clove-hitch) and (Lash and cinch)

Archive your google account before you graduate!

If you are graduating or transferring after this year, your google account will be totally deactivated and erased fairly soon after the school year ends. Once it is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you would like to keep any of your data, such as emails, google files (docs, slides, sheets, etc), calendar data, you will need to transfer the files or download an archive.
Transfer to a new google account or Download and convert to Microsoft word