The Project

The project- Dialogic Revolution has been created by 4 schools from 3 countries: Poland (2 schools: one of them is the project coordinator) Romania and Spain- at the time of Erasmus + contact seminar Warsaw 7-10th November,2017. During the meeting we analysed needs of our schools and found that they are similar and Spanish partner has the possible solution to our problem so we decided to work together.

Our partnership is based on our common impression that if we want our students to achieve the best results in their education we must try to reorganise their educational backgrounds and change their attitude to education which can be obtained only if we offer them education more attractive than the present one.

The partnership is based on scientific theory (Dialogic Learning) which has been used widely and successfully by Spanish school and which stresses the meaning of increasing the interactions and the participation of all educational communities in order to optimise the educational effects ( it deals with problems we all got at our schools: low motivation and problems with behaviour of students, poor involvement of parents).

Another base of our project is the necessity of opening minds and widening horizons of all the people involved in educational system (breaking stereotypes, including the diversity, opening school to different intelligences.

Our project was inspired by Dialogic Learning theory and we intend to apply some crucial aspects of implementing our ideas from that approach. In order to achieve our goals we aim to work in three areas: (which makes our project ideas innovative- we perceive the education in a multi-dimensional way).

    1. Inform the community about the project ideas.

    2. Get acceptance of the dialogic view of learning. The communicational conception tells that the learning needs interactions( Vygotsky, 1978).

    3. Apply actions which contribute to improve the student learning and the sense of living together at school.

The innovativeness of the project is also based on the fact that the target groups (students, teachers, families etc.) vary in each participating institution -we will observe how the same tasks will be performed under various conditions.

What is more our project conglomerates some scientific theories (Dialogic Learning), Social Development Theory (Vygotsky, 1978), the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner ,1983) within various educational contexts.

In order to ensure a proper balance between the efforts and the effects the project will be evaluated both within each school and at a partnership level. Evaluation will be prepared in such a way that all the groups will be evaluated three times during the time of the project.

The project site, the partnership school "corners” and the e-Twinning corner will be devoted to the project.In terms of activities and results we have planned such ones that do not cause stress but help to gather people together to have fun and learn unconsciously (the hard results: cooking booklets, scenarios, films, presentations, tourist quests) and achieve quantity results ( opening minds, changing attitudes to the others, to learning).