Chapter 5 Home Support

Show a Model

  • Display a dime. How much is this worth? 10¢

  • Display a $1 bill. How many cents is this worth? 100¢ How many dimes can I trade this for? 10 dimes

  • Show two $1 bills. Continue adding $1 bills up to $10. How many $1 bills can I trade for this? 10 one-dollar bills

Place-Value Chart

  • Draw a place-value chart.

  • Write 7 in the ones place. Is the 7 in the ones, tens, or hundreds place? ones

  • Have student make a model on a whiteboard/paper and hold it up.

  • Repeat the procedure, writing a 7 in the tens place and a 0 in the ones place. Then write a 7 in the hundreds place and a 0 in the tens and ones places.

Base Ten Blocks:


  • base-ten blocks


  • Give student varying groups of base-ten blocks.

  • Tell him/her to sort by hundreds, tens, and ones.

  • Have him/her count each group and record the three-digit number.

  • Student repeats with different groups of base-ten blocks.

Spinner or Dice Activity


  • spinners or 3 dice

  • paper and pencil


  • Student spins 3 times (or rolls 3 dice) to get three numbers.

  • Student is directed to write the first number in the one's place, second in the ten's place, third in the hundred's place.

  • Student reads the numbers he/she wrote.

  • Have the student quiz someone at home: How many ones are in my number? How many tens? hundreds?

  • Student should write the numbers in expanded form and read them out loud.

    • Example of expanded form for 359:

      • 300 + 50 + 9

      • 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 9 ones