English 1302 10-week Schedule 

Week One: Orientation and Review of College-Level Writing 

Go to Blackboard and click START HERE in the course menu and review my greeting and all materials in the folders for Essential Course information (the Syllabus, Schedule, Reading List, Course Requirements, FAQs, Service Learning, etc.); GET HELP; Zoom Meetings, etc.

Complete the Plagiarism tutorial by clicking here and send me the results via email.

Week One's Zoom session (Tuesday at 6 p.m.) is an orientation of the course and discussion of Week One Assignments. See Zoom folder in the Blackboard menu for the links and codes. All students are required to attend OR watch the recording.

DUE: Orientation Quiz, Intro Thread (in the Discussion Board), Plagiarism tutorial, Quiz One, and Journal One-- Sunday, June 2

WARNING! Failure to complete the Orientation Quiz and Intro Thread by Sunday may result in withdrawal for non-attendance!!!

Week 2: Biographical Research Analysis-- Paper One

Study the lectures and complete the assignments in the Week Two folder in the Assignments tab of the course menu in Blackboard.

Read "Story of an Hour," "Paul's Case," and "Two Kinds" via Readings linked in our course menu. 

Click here to complete the Finding Articles tutorial. Send me the results via email.

Click here to take and submit a comprehensive MLA tutorial and quiz for five EC points (optional). You must follow the directions for submitting results to me (80 percent or higher) and make a notation of the score and date completed underneath your Works Cited page for Paper One. 

Read the instructions for Paper One, choose a story to write about from either the required or optional lists (no poetry or music), and then submit your outline in the portal linked in the folder. After obtaining my approval and reading the feedback (check Grades and Feedback in the course menu), begin drafting your paper. 

DUE: Finding articles tutorial by Saturday, June 8

DUE: Paper One Outline by Sunday, June 9

Week 3: Biographical Research Analysis-- Paper One

Study the lectures and complete the assignments in the Week Three folder in the Assignments tab of the course menu in Blackboard.

Read "The Things They Carried," "A & P," and "Brownies" via Readings linked in the course menu. 

Complete Quiz Two.

DUE: Quiz Two, Paper One, and BB1 by Sunday, June 16 (submit via the folder for that paper in Blackboard--never submit a paper for a grade via email).

Week 4: Protest Poetry-- Paper Two

Read the three required poems via your Readings link in the course menu ("Loose Woman," "lady liberty," and "Urban Affection").

Study the lectures for Week Four Assignments folder of your course menu.

Complete the the discussion board prompt, BB1A. Get started by mid-week.

Read the instructions for Paper Two and choose a story, poem, or song to analyze (any of the required or approved stories or poems or songs will suffice--you cannot choose a story that you have already analyzed) and then submit your outline in the portal linked in the folder. After obtaining my approval and reading the feedback (check Grades and Feedback in the course menu), begin drafting your paper.

DUE: BB1A by Sunday, June 22

HARD DUE DATE: BB1 and Paper One, by Sunday, June 23 at noon (no feedback from the instructor after Thursday at noon).

DUE: Paper Two Outline by Sunday, June 23

Week 5: Protest Poetry-- Paper Two

Study the lectures for Week Five Assignments folder of your course menu.

Read "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" and complete Journal Two.

Peer Edit Paper Two in the Discussion Board (BB2) linked in the folder (if you want two takes from me, post Take One by Monday, July 1). Do not begin peer editing until I have approved your outline. Once you have finished peer editing, post for a grade. 

Submit Paper Two for a grade by Thursday (June 27) at noon and receive five EC points. BB 1-2, BB1A, Papers One, the outlines for Papers 1-2, Quizzes One and Two, the tutorials for Papers 1-2, Journal One, and all other assignments must be completed to qualify. 

DUE: Paper Two--Saturday, June 29, by noon (I generally do not respond to takes in the discussion board on the weekends posted after 8 a.m.--FYI.) 

DUE: Journal Two--Sunday, June 30

Week 6: Social Awareness/Service-Learning Research-- Paper Three

Complete this tutorial here on Evaluating Information and Fake News. Email me proof and then post the score underneath your WC when you submit for a grade. 

Read "The Boy in the Pink Tuxedo."

Complete BB3A in the Discussion Board.

DUE: Evaluating Info Tutorial and BB3A by Saturday, July 6

HARD DUE DATE: BB2 and Paper Two, by Sunday, July 7 at noon (no feedback from the instructor after Thursday at noon).

DUE: Paper Three Outline with at least one scholarly source in MLA format by Sunday, July 7

Week 7: Social Awareness/Service-Learning Research-- Paper Three

Peer Edit Paper Three in the Discussion Board (BB3) linked in the folder (if you want two takes from me, post Take One by Monday). Do not begin peer editing until I have approved your outline. Once you have finished peer editing, post for a grade. 

Complete Quiz Three.

Submit Paper Three for a grade by Thursday (July 11) at noon and receive five EC points. BB 1-3, BB1A, BB3A, Papers 1-2 (and corrections if chosen), Quizzes One and Two, the tutorials, and Journals 1-2, all must be completed to qualify.

DUE: Quiz Three by Saturday, July 13

DUE: Paper Three and BB3 by Sunday, July 14 at noon (I generally do not respond to takes in the discussion board on the weekends posted after 8 a.m.--FYI) 

Week 8: Creative/Analysis-- Paper Four

Study the lectures for Week Eight and Paper Four in the Assignments folder of your course menu.

DUE: Paper Four Outline (with scholarly article if research used) by Saturday, July 20

HARD DUE DATE: BB3 and Paper Three, by Sunday, July 20 at noon (no feedback from the instructor in BB3 after Thursday at noon).

Week 9: Creative/Analysis-- Paper Four

Peer Edit Paper Four in the BB5 Discussion Board (if you want two takes from me, post Take One by Monday). Do not begin peer editing until I have approved your outline. Once you have finished peer editing, post for a grade. 

Submit Paper Four for a grade by Saturday (July 27) and receive five EC points. BB1-4, BB1A, BB3A, Papers 1-3, Quizzes 1-3, the tutorials, Journals 1-2, and all other assignments must be completed to qualify. (I generally do not respond to takes in the discussion board on the weekends posted after 8 a.m.--FYI.) 

DUE: BB4 and Paper Four by Sunday, July 28, at noon 

Corrections for extra credit are not allowed for this paper unless they are submitted by Tuesday, July 30.

Week 10: Reflective Analysis-- Paper 5

Read Reflective Essay Instructions in the Week Fifteen folder. No outline required and peer editing (in BB4) is optional.

Peer Edit Reflective Paper (optional) in BB4 Discussion Board (only one take is allowed for this paper and Take One must be posted by 8 a.m. Thursday morning--August 1).

Complete all assignments in the course by Thursday, August 1, at noon, and receive five EC points on Paper Five.

NO ZOOM THIS WEEK, but there will be an Extra Credit Zoom on Tuesday (5-6 p.m.) for American Lit II presentations (link will be posted).

HARD DUE DATE: Paper Four, by Wednesday, July 31 (no feedback from the instructor in BB4 for Paper Four after Tuesday at 8 a.m.).

HARD DUE DATE: Paper Five and BB4 by Saturday, August 3 (no feedback from the instructor after Thursday at 8 a.m.).

Check your email and gradesheet Sunday afternoon to make sure all work was properly submitted and graded and that your grade isn't borderline.