List of Posts For the GUAMUN Senior Project

GUAMUN Senior Project Requirements 2021-22

This is an introduction to the requirements necessary to complete GUAMUN as a senior project. You will be documenting your progress on the project as we go through a web page. Please make sure to thoroughly address each of the descriptors below. Add pictures, document links or other evidence whenever possible. Please make sure that you take time to make your page look professional. You can reference the senior project homepage for more details, but remember GUAMUN’s requirements are different.


You will be creating a webpage to document your Senior Project. The criteria that need to be completed are outlined below. You can use Google Pages or any other web page creator that you would like. Pay special attention to how you organize your web page. You can use other forms of media to present the content when applicable. For example, you could use a video description of the division of labor that refers to a chart as you speak or a slideshow to organize your images or an audio/video introduction to your background guide. Have fun and be creative!

Web Page Criteria

    1. Who am I? (same for all senior projects)

      1. Who are you? What issues concern you in today's world? What are you hopes and thoughts for the future?

      2. Give us a sense of who you are as an individual and member of school community.

    2. Division of Labor based on the Planning Guide and team meetings

      1. Describe what your role will be for the GUAMUN Secretariat.

      2. Focus on how you will fulfill the learning goals and the 20 hours.

      3. Include:

        1. Team role

        2. Individual role

    3. Initial Contact (same for all senior projects)

      1. Internal contact: Explain your contact with the

      2. External contact: Explain who you have met with (you must write their name and contact information) to help shape your project and to show that you have approval to work with a group/organization if necessary.

      3. Discuss the feedback and suggestions from your mentor at this time.

      4. Be sure to post photos of you with the people you have connected with - videos, etc are great.

    4. Research: The Background Guide (unique to GUAMUN Secretariat)

      1. Include a brief description of the guide, its purpose and why the GUAMUN Senior Project research component is different.

      2. Post a link to your background guide

    5. Evidence page (same requirements for all senior projects)

      1. Add evidence throughout the project that include pictures and brief descriptions of your contributions and the time spent as the project develops.

        1. Examples: pictures from our meetings, screenshots of email or whatsapp messages, pictures of events, google docs/spreadsheets created, etc

        2. Use embedded slideshows.

        3. The posts should document 40 hours of work (at least 20 outside of class).

    6. Update the Planning Guide (unique to GUAMUN Secretariat)

      1. Make corrections

        1. Roles and task division

        2. Dates due

        3. Add links to documents you used or created within the guide

      2. Create a checklist for the team captain to follow next year.

      3. Post the link of the old and updated guide.

      4. Write a description of the things you updated in the new planning guide.

    7. The Reflection (same for all senior projects)

      1. Reflect on the process, what have you learned about yourself? What was meaningful to you? Will your project continue beyond graduation? Who will care for it?

      2. Reflect on the FOUR learning goals meaningfully and specifically.

        1. Critical and Creative Thinker

        2. Purposeful Learner

        3. Effective Communicator

        4. Community Contributor

    8. The Presentation (same for all senior projects)

      1. Embed your oral presentation in your website.

      2. Oral Presentation instructions

        1. Oral Presentation Rubric (subject to change)

        2. Tips for making better slides