Apple-picking Trip

Join our parish on Saturday, September 29th for our annual apple-picking trip. Families will meet and depart from the church at 11:30am. You can also meet the group at the orchard if you choose to drive up earlier in the day.

We are unable to have a bus transport us to the farm, and therefore we will carpool. There are numerous families who will drive and there should be enough space for everyone. If you are interested in joining us but don't have a car or you have a car and have room to take others, please contact Zoe: or 212-749-8599.

There will be several varieties of apples, pumpkins and lots of veggies available for picking. Lawrence Farms also has a miniature village for the kids to play in and some farm animals for petting. There are picnic tables to enjoy a bagged lunch, and they sell ice cream, fresh cut fruit & veggies, and they have some prepared foods.

Below is more information about the trip.

Meeting Time & Place: Annunciation Church (WEA & W91st): 11:30am

Departure Time for Farm: 12:00pm

Travel Time: 1 hour

Method of Travel: Carpool

Driving Directions: Click on this LINK for directions

Cost: Free entry; pay for what you pick (per pick)

Lunch: Bagged Lunch

Dress: Dress warmly; Newburgh is pretty chilly by this time

For more information about Lawrence Farms please follow this LINK

Some photos from previous trips!