Truckers against Trafficking


Tel: 1-888-373-7888


The Trucking industry are training drivers on what to look for and how to report suspicious activity in the area of human trafficking. If you are a driver or a member of the trucking industry, you can get involved in the following ways:

    • Request wallet cards for yourself and your trucker friends, keep them on you and use them when you see a minor working the lot or suspect pimp control.

    • Talk to your safety director about having the TAT training video shown at new driver orientation and as continuing education for current drivers.

    • Talk to truckers and travel plaza employees wherever you go about human trafficking and how you can help end it by making the call.

    • Contact any trucking company, school, or trucker with whom you have a connection and tell them about TAT. Arrange an introduction for us.

If you are a member of an abolitionist coalition, get involved:

    • Ask members of your group if they have any trucking contacts and if yes, urge them to get involved with TAT.

    • Contact if you’re interested in putting together a group of volunteers for a truck stop awareness event.

Learn how effective your help can be to stop trafficking:

Truckers Against Trafficking on FOX news:

Everyday heroes needed - short video: