Love 146


In September 2002, Love146 Co-Founders Rob Morris, Lamont Hiebert, Desirea Rodgers and Caroline Hahm went on an exploratory trip to SE Asia to determine how they could serve in the fight against child sex trafficking. In brothels they saw young children being sold for sex. In safehomes they witnessed the miracle of restoration as they sang and danced with survivors. From that first trip, the spark of abolition was ignited. The goal of this and subsequent trips was not to reinvent the wheel but rather to find out where the greatest needs were and how they could be most helpful in filling those needs. After 18 months of research, networking and other foundational work, Love146 became an official Public Charity in March of 2004 under the name of Justice for Children Intl.


The abolition of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less.


Abolition and Restoration! We combat child trafficking & exploitation with the unexpected and restore survivors with excellence.

Love146 works toward the abolition of child trafficking and exploitation through Prevention and Aftercare solutions while contributing to a growing abolition movement. Love146 believes in helping grow the movement of abolition while providing effective, thoughtful solutions. We believe in the power of Love and its ability to affect sustainable change. Love is the foundation of our motivation. They work in Europe, USA and Asia.

Click here to visit their website (Europe and USA)