Chab dai - Cambodia

Who We Are

Chab dai is a network of over 40 Christian organizations working together to combat abuse and sex trafficking in Cambodia.

The vision behind Chab Dai (which means “joining hands” in Khmer) was founded in Cambodia in 2005. Chab Dai aims to address human trafficking and exploitation through coalition building, advocacy and research. In addition to our office in Cambodia, the vision of Chab Dai has been expanded into the USA and Canada.

Core Values

1. KNOWLEDGE FOR SHARING. We are committed to addressing issues of abuse, exploitation and trafficking by working together and providing opportunities for learning.

2. ADVOCACY FOR JUSTICE. We believe partnership in coalition creates more collaboration for advocacy, and enables organizations to support one another more effectively.

3. SUPPORT FOR STRENGTH. Working together enables us to keep our individual identities while also acknowledging the broader issues we face as a whole.

4. HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. We exist so that families and communities at risk, and those who have been sexually abused, exploited or trafficked, can be all that God created them to be.

Chab Dai Activities:

  • Providing help, support and resources to individuals, organizations and churches

  • Developing and distributing innovative resources to assist with programs working in the areas of prevention, intervention, rehabilitation and reintegration.

  • Setting up and operating a Resource Center, library and community learning center for members and individuals interested in learning more about related issues.

  • Working with communities, organizations and government ministries to identify strategies to address the issues of sexual abuse, trafficking and program gaps.

  • Developing training programs to build the capacity of staff working directly with survivors.

  • Facilitating advice clinics and forums for organizations to discuss and address issues relating to their work.

  • Carrying out specific research studies which make recommendations at both program and advocacy levels.

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