Enough Project

The Enough Project fights to end genocide and crimes against humanity, focused on areas where some of the world’s worst atrocities occur. We get the facts on the ground, use rigorous analysis to determine the most sustainable solutions, influence political leaders to adopt our proposals, and mobilize the American public to demand change.


Our strategy is to energize diverse communities – including students, religious groups, activists, business leaders, celebrities, and diaspora networks – to ensure that their voices are heard on some of the most pressing foreign policy and moral challenges facing the world today.

Enough conducts intensive field research in countries plagued by genocide and crimes against humanity, develops practical policies to address these crises, and shares sensible tools to help empower citizens and groups working for change. Enough works with concerned citizens, advocates, and policy makers to prevent, mitigate, and resolve these crises.

Enough’s strategy papers and briefings provide sharp field analysis and targeted policy recommendations. Enough is also working to develop the policies, tools, and investments that can best be applied to prevent crimes against humanity and genocide now and in the future.

Click here to visit the Enough Project website


Jonathan Hutson

Director of Communications


