2.4 Advanced Techniques

AS91893 - v1 - Use Advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome - 4 credits (internal)

Relevant Implications

2.4 Requirements

2.4 Summary

You need to show and explain 2 or more advanced techniques from your Digital Media Outcome.

  • using appropriate tools and techniques for the purpose and end users

  • applying appropriate data integrity and testing procedures

  • using relevant conventions for the media type

  • explaining relevant implications.

Tip! Remember to explain - 5Ws & H: Who, What, When Where, Why & How :

The Standard DT 2.4 (AS91893)

2.4 AS91893 Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome Oct 2018

A) Advanced Tools

Examples of advanced techniques include:

  • creating or customising scripts, code or presets

  • using a combination of steps to manipulate or enhance elements

  • using a third-party library (such as A-frame.io and animation mixer)

  • using composite effects. (such as creating an entity model from a number of primitive shapes and applying textures)

M) Step-ups for Merit

develop an informed digital media outcome involves:

  • using information from testing procedures to improve the quality of the outcome (use IDE debugger tool and Developer Tools to inspect Console)

  • applying relevant conventions to improve the quality of the outcome (improving textures / animations / interactions / UI instructions / text for menus & info.)

  • addressing relevant implications.

E) Step-ups for Excellence

develop a refined digital media outcome involves:

  • iterative improvement throughout the design, development and testing process to produce a high-quality outcome (such as refining components such as rotation, scale, position, textures' repetition or use of embedded ambient sound and animation)

  • Adding complex interactivity to refine user experience

  • using efficient tools and techniques in the outcome’s production. (such as the Object Inspector to arrange XYZ position of entities, use of asset management <a-assets> & #IDs)

E) Efficient Tools

Examples of efficient tools and techniques include:

  • management of assets (such as <a-assets and #IDs )

  • using stylesheets

  • master pages or student developed templates (such as version control in Glitch.com)

  • commenting <!-- html comments --> & /* CSS comments */

  • character formatting controls

  • reusing objects, styles and/or frames (such as re-suing the same 3D tree model but changing the entity's components for scale, rotation, position to make them look varied)

  • HTML / CSS validation procedures (https://validator.w3.org/ )

  • Careful testing on mobile to consider loading times, e.g. maybe splitting the webVR into separate pages to reduce the number of interactive spheres loading on one page.

  • optimisation of media assets. (use Photoshop well-named layers, adjustment layers & layer masks to make non-destructive edits, use of Photoshop to 'Save for Web' to compress textures .png or .jpg files for textures, using MeshMixer to reduce the number of polygons in a model mesh to <5K polys (Less Than 5000 polygons in order to increase speed / reduce complexity & loading time)

>> Next See: Relevant Implications

2.2 Develop Designs

2.8 Adv. Processes