A-Frame Skills

Virtual Reality H&S Warning

Please be careful and safe when developing for a virtual/augmented reality platform and using hardware such as a headset and/or handheld controllers.

We want to teach and watch you create awesome virtual/augmented reality games and applications, but we also want you to keep safe while doing so.

  • Clear a safe room-size area where you’ll be using your virtual reality equipment

  • Ensure any furniture, lamps, vases, and obstructive items are out of your active vicinity

  • Take steady and frequent breaks as needed,

Choose your Learning Styles:

1) Interactive & Video

2) Text based

1) webVR Interactive Online Course

Frame Academy

(this course offers video, text & interactive code windows)


2a) webVR Slides & Video Course

08 - Importing 3D Models in OBJ & GLB Formats - intro

Quick Course of webVR tutorial Videos in WebM format

Add to Your Chrome Browser:

Chrome Web Server Extension plugin

Video Testing

If you want to record your webVR game testing try Screencastify

This is another A-Frame skills course by Sonar Learning , which has a different presenter with an English accent, it is in less detail and the videos are shorter, you may prefer it:

2) Text based Guides

Glitch.con - Web VR Starter Kit

Make your own Planetarium (4 parts)

You should focus on working through pages in the first half, e.g. pages 1 to 7 (of 14). Remember to click the down arrows too.

Next Make your own Voxels >>

Other Cool Stuff...

Converting .wav to .mp3

I will use https://online-audio-converter.com/ to change from .WAV to .mp3

Download and 3D Models and convert .glTF to binary .GLB files

Add materials and textures to primitive shapes and 360 photosphere

More Animation in A-Frame

Examples for Level 2 & 3


Want to go deeper to Level 3?