
Latest Competitions & Results

Instructables - 3D Printing - Student Design Challenge - AutoDesk Fusion360 Competition

Prizes: 20 prizes. Top Prize $500. Deadline:  June 26, 2023 (11:59pm PT). Computational Thinking Challenge -
Start: 13 March 2023, Deadline: 24 March 2023

Junior, Middle School & Senior DTEC Students enter the Bebras.NZ Challenge, which tests their logical Computational Thinking Skills.
All participants will get a signed certificate.

Previous Winners:

Copy of GeorgiaRitchieWestlandHighSchoolChallenge1 Character Design Competition 

1st place winner, 11DTEC student, Georgia Ritchie

The Character Design challenge required her to draw what her character looks like and to write a short story about the character. Georgia entered the senior competition for Year 11-13 and so was up against older students from bigger schools from all over the country.

Georgia was amazed to hear she has won the seniors’ 1st prize, which was to the value of $800. She has chosen an Apple iPad, Apple pen and Procreate software. We are really proud of her!

If any of you out there are inspired to give it a go, Georgia, who is a keen skier, may be open to offers if you want to get your hands on these essential tools for a successful career in illustration. If you are drawn to succeed, then choose Digital Technology for your 2023 subject selections. 

Minecraft Competition 2022
Y7-8 Winner: Sierra Hargreaves

Sierra rose to the challenge to "Build a Better Future". 

Students had to come up with a creation in Minecraft that helps to protect our environment. From sustainable living to fighting climate change to tackling plastic pollution. Sieera won 3d place nationally! We are all really happy for her!

For more info:

Previous Competitions:

AQA Quarry Poster Competition 

- Year 7-8 students in JWD, JOD and JVE have had the opportunity to design a poster for your local Primary Industry thanks to the AQA in the hopes of winning $100. The standard of entries was really high, however, this year we did not win.

Furious Frames Competition

VUW (Victoria University of Wellington) are challenging your students to create their very own looping animation. Animation is everywhere. From feature films to ads on television; in video games and in the apps on our phones. Almost anything presented on screen has some animated components.  We are keen to see the animations your year 9–13 students will create. 

Students should submit their designs by 12 December 2022 to win one of the cash prizes from $200 to $400.

Creativity Competition

Many students will be working on putting together their NCEA portfolios, and we would love to see their work! 

Students should submit by 16 October 2022 to win one of the cash prizes from $200 to $400.