7-8 STEM

Science | Technology | Engineering | Maths

Term 2 - 2023

Class Starter - 5 minutes on Typing.com - Login, Student - Google: use school gmail.

Code.org - Creating Apps with Devices (micro:bit) 


In the Creating Apps for Devices unit, students explore the role of physical devices in computing. Using App Lab and BBC micro:bit, students develop programs that utilize the same hardware inputs and outputs that you see in the smart devices, looking at how a simple rough prototype can lead to a finished product. Then, students explore how physical devices can be used to react to the world around them using a “maker” mindset to create prototypes with everyday materials. 

Input & Output Overview

Description: This unit emphasizes the interactions between inputs and outputs on the micro:bit and an app screen. On their micro:bit, students learn to control inputs like buttons and outputs like the LED Screen. Students also interact with inputs and outputs in App Lab, such as buttons and text inputs and dropdowns. By the end of the chapter, students will be able to create an app that controls a device, similar to many "smart" hardware they may experience in their day-to-day lives.


Big Questions:

Building Physical Prototypes Overview

Description: In this chapter, students focus on how their physical device can interact with the outside world. They learn how to use sensors and the accelerometer to react to the physical environment. They learn to attach external LEDs and buttons that extend the types of devices they can make. Throughout the unit, students use physical materials like paper or cardboard to extend the functionality of their devices. By the end of the unit, students will have created an interactive art project and developed a prototype for a physical device that solves a problem.


Big Questions:

Microbits - Kaitiakitanga

Diagram labelling Microbit's buttons and features.

BBC Microbits

Microbits are a great introduction to basic electronics and coding. You can use:

Find out more at: https://microbit.org/ 

Minecraft Education - Hapu Build Challenge

Minecraft Creations

Working in small Hapu groups your challenge is to do a creative build in Minecraft to create something that represents your Hapu. 

We are learning to a) Learn, b) create, c) share your Minecraft builds. You will use the 'camera' and 'portfolio' to take photos and export a PDF.

Ancient Scientists believed in the 4 basic elements of the universe, which Our School Hapu are named after the 4 Elements: 

We need to demonstrate Our School Values: Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga, Kaitiakitanga. 

Our focus this term is  Kaitiakitanga: "Kaitiakitanga is promoting guardianship and preservation of the school values, learning and the environment."

Coding with Minecraft_Unit 2 Events_Presentation.ppt
Coding with Minecraft 2-Events-Student workbook.pdf

Learning to Hack & Repair Saves Money

STEM Minecraft Farming

Watch these videos by the farm workers:

• Farmer within the barn: “Dairy Farming”

• Veterinarian within the barn: “Careers in the Dairy Industry”

• Salesperson by the Driving Shed: “Modern Technology”

• Farmer by the milking machines: “Robotic Milking” 

• What is in our food? "Diary Goodness"

Cover Lesson) Learning About Codes

Task 1)

1) ALL STUDENTS: Do your best on this Computational Thinking Quiz from Bebras.: https://challenge.bebras.nz/index.php?action=user_competition&grp_id=30 

When you have finished, take a screenshot of your results and paste it into your own STEM slidesow,

2) Grab a 'Secret Agent - Pigpen Code worksheet" from by the board to solve.

Pigpen CipherWorksheet

3) SOME Students

Task 2) 

Before we use Computers / iPad apps to write computer program code, we will learn about 'old skool' codes to communicate such as:

Term 4 - 1a) Learning About Algorithms

Flying Animation
Scratch Repetition

In your STEM slideshow (see right) write your own Algorithm for "Making a Cup of Tea". You must use precise words /  clear step-by-step instructions. You can use the pictures / info from the slides below for help

7-8 STEM Algorithms
Algorithms Task

Term 4

Cyber Smart Month


Cover Lesson Info

7-8 STEM Term 3 2022

1c) Learning About Circuits

TinkerCAD.com - Circuits

Class Code: https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/XRAQ5LMHC6ZB

2a) Learning To Code Sphero Ollies

Getting Started

If you are using your own smartphone - connect to the Guest WIFI. Download and use the Sphero Edu app


You need to follow the instructions on the page above to connect to the Sphero Ollie (make sure Bluetooth is turned on).

Block Code 1 - Loops


Write code to make Ollie travel in a square.

REFACTOR your code with a Loop to make it more efficient.

Sphero Bolt - Fraction Fun Day

Fraction Fun - Sphero Bolt Code Link:


3a) Wonder Project  Rocket Challenge

3b) Engineering - Bridge Design

STEM - Maths - Measurement

Let's practice accurate measurement of items in our class

Bridge Design Competition

Your challenge is to design and prototype a bridge for the Ollie to travel safely over a 1m gap

Stage 1) LEARN

Watch the interactive book about bridges. Experiment with recycled materials / found materials which you bring to school (cardboard, newspaper, bamboo skewers, string, glue, woven flax etc).

Stage 2) CREATE - Be the Architects - planning

Your challenge (individual) is to design a scale drawing of a bridge which needs to support a Sphero Ollie across a 1m gap. Add labels and measurements.

Test bridge shapes using the simulators online, like: https://www.kiloo.com/en/construct-a-bridge/ or https://www.engineering.com/GamesPuzzles/BridgeDesigner.aspx

Stage 3) SHARE - Be the Builders

Your team (of 3) will evaluate the designs drawings, then take your team's best design to give to another team to build and test. Your team will then become builders and Test another Architect Team's design.

Stage 4) 2nd iteration - 

what mistakes did we learn from? What improvements can we apply?

We will use a Blockly app program to drive the Sphero across. Winning teams will get a prize. 

4. Drones

5. Learning To Code Web Pages


Need help with HTML and CSS? - W3schools has everything you need to know!

HTML & CSS Cheat sheet.pdf

HTML & CSS Cheat Sheet - re-use these elements in your code.