CUrrent Situation 

Current Situation 

On the streets of Taipei City, people can still see large amounts of stray dogs. Stray dogs have caused many problems in Taipei City, such as threatening other native animals. Besides, people's management and treatment of stray dogs is not practical. Stray dogs in good condition are most times still euthanized. In Taipei City, where the adoption rate is relatively high at 40%, only 10% of puppies are adopted; 99% of stray grown dogs are euthanized if they are not adopted. The Taipei City Government's wrong way of catching dogs is expensive and inefficient, so the appearance of stray dogs is still prevalent today. 

The generality of canine distemper and kennel cough pose a severe threat to stray dogs living on the streets. Canine distemper, commonly known as "dog distemper," is an acute viral infectious disease in dogs. The etiological agent is a filtering virus. It mainly occurs in puppies. It is a prevalent disease worldwide, especially in urban areas. Although dogs are most at risk in a group environment, dogs at home, especially puppies, may still be infected. In puppies, severe cases can lead to death. Also, stray dogs often attack wild animals - such as conserved animals and pangolins - and are usually sent to the animal protection unit for their attacks. (by Sean)