Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents

Most of us see semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and many other commercial trucks every time we're out on the roadways.

But when is the last time we considered how dangerous they could be?

Trucking accidents are different from car accidents in several ways.

The main difference is in the trucks' sheer size and the severity of the damages and injuries that occur when a truck and an automobile collide.

If you're ever in an accident with a large truck, there's a good chance you suffer a serious, life-altering injury.

Many truck accidents result in fatalities.

If you've recently been injured in a commercial truck accident that was no fault of your own, you probably have thousands of questions running through your head.

In the article below, we will go over some of the questions our Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers are asked most often in our office.

What To Do If You're Involved In A Truck Accident

The very first thing you need to do after a truck accident is to seek medical attention.

Even if you don't feel injured, it is still in your best interest to get checked out by a medical provider to make sure everything is okay.

Many accident injuries are hidden and don't show symptoms right away, and insurance companies are more likely to deny injury claims if you wait to receive treatment.

If you don't need emergency medical attention at the scene of the truck accident, there are a few things you should do.

First, you should call the police right away.

If you believe the truck driver was at fault for the accident, a police report can help back up your claim.

The police officer who responds to the scene will do their own investigation, but you should still take as many pictures as possible of the accident scene.

You should take pictures of the vehicles, people, road conditions, and everything else that could help prove liability before the evidence disappears.

If there were any witnesses to your accident, you should get their contact information.

An independent witness can prove invaluable for your case, especially if the insurance companies try to assign liability to you.

After your trucking accident, there's a good chance the trucking company's insurance company will contact you.

They will want a recorded statement from you but do not give them one until you have received legal advice from an experienced truck accident attorney.

Why Are Truck Accidents Worse Than Car Accidents?

Commercial trucks are significantly bigger and carry heavier loads, sometimes of hazardous materials than passenger vehicles.

Truck drivers need much more room to maneuver and more room to stop than smaller vehicles as well.

And passenger vehicles don't have the protection needed to shield them from an impact with a big truck, increasing the damage caused to those vehicles during a truck crash.

Truck accidents also make it much harder for first responders to navigate the roads, leaving victims trapped in their vehicles much longer.

What Is My Truck Accident Case Worth?

No two truck accidents are ever alike, so there is no standard amount for truck accident lawsuits that can be quoted.

Several factors have to be considered when determining the value of a truck accident case, like who was at fault, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other miscellaneous expenses related to the accident.

  • Your truck accident lawsuit should cover things like:

  • Medical treatment

  • Pain and suffering

  • The costs to repair your vehicle and other property damages

  • Treating injuries not covered by your insurance

  • Lost wages

  • Loss of the ability to generate income

  • Loss of consortium

Since these factors will be different in each case, there are no accurate "average" settlement amounts for semi-truck accident lawsuits.

Settlement amounts will vary widely and depend heavily on your physical and emotional injuries and how much you've been harmed financially.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Large trucks are responsible for 55% of all car accidents on U.S. roadways and 44% of two-vehicle crashes between trucks and other motor vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Driver errors were responsible for 87% of those accidents.

Some of the main driver errors include:

  • Speeding

  • Driver exhaustion (falling asleep behind the wheel)

  • Driving distracted

  • Panic

  • Poor directional control

  • Defective parts

  • Poor maintenance

Problems with brakes were listed as the most common associated risk factor in commercial truck accidents.

Many are also caused by environmental factors like rain and snow.

There are ways drivers can ensure they are driving safely with semi-trucks. By driving safe you reduce your chances of an accidnet.

Truck Accident Injury Lawyers

The Best Way To Receive Compensation For Your Damages In A Trucking Accident

If you want to receive compensation for your damages after a crash with a commercial truck, the law firm that represents you will have to prove that the truck driver failed to use due care in the operation of the truck.

Or, they have to prove that the trucking company failed to follow required federal and state safety regulations.

In most cases where a serious injury has occurred, you will be able to make a truck accident claim to be reimbursed for medical bills, lost wages, permanent injury, pain and suffering, and for loss of consortium.

If a loved one was killed in a trucking accident, you might be able to bring a claim for the loss of the victim’s income and companionship.

You should never try to do this on your own and should always enlist the help of a personal injury attorney.

Should You Accept The First Settlement Offer From The Truck Driver's Insurance Company?

When negotiating a personal injury claim, most insurance companies will offer the least amount possible for your claim.

Most of the time, the insurance company will offer a low initial settlement to see if you will take the money, especially if you don't have representation.

This first offer typically won't cover your medical expenses, pain and suffering, or lost wages.

Working with an experienced team of attorneys will ensure that you get the compensation needed to make a complete financial recovery and move on with your life.

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

All types of accident victims should speak with an attorney.

Your lawyer will help you understand your cases' many legal concepts, like the concepts that cover negligence and liability.

Your personal injury attorney will review your case and formulate a strategy to help you get the money you deserve.

They will also obtain your medical records, insurance transactions, police report, and all other documents and evidence needed for your case.

Contact The Brown Firm Today

If you've been involved in an accident with a semi-truck, you need the help of a personal injury attorney.

As we've discovered, commercial vehicle accidents and claims are much more complicated than typical car accident claims.

But, the experts at The Brown Firm can help you with your case.

The Brown Firm will file your claim, work with your doctors, and negotiate with the insurance company, so you spend your time focusing on your physical recovery.

If you've been in a semi-truck accident, contact The Brown Firm Today to schedule your Free Consultation.