Broken Bone Lawyer

Unfortunately, Broken Bones are a very common injury in many types of accidents, including car and motorcycle wrecks.

These types of injuries can bring with them some costly medical bills as well as the expense of missing work.

The best way to get the compensation you deserve is with broken bone lawyer.

What are the most frequent breaks?

There are a variety of different kinds of breaks and bone injuries, but here are the most common:

  • Wrist

  • Arm

  • Clavicle (collar bone)

  • Leg

  • Ankle

  • Foot

  • Ribs: An injury that could cause further damage, such as puncturing a lung

  • Fracture: This break could be a hairline fracture that is tough to see on x-rays but provides just as much pain as a visible break.

Not all Broken Bones are easily repaired with a cast. Some injuries, like multiple breaks and impact fractures, may take several surgeries and long-term therapy to regain full use. When caused by accident, it also may not always be the other driver’s fault, but the issue of a broken airbag or defective car part.

What The Brown Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, Can Do For You

If you are struggling with the issue of Broken Bones, Multiple Surgeries, or even the issue of understanding your options when dealing with who is at fault when your injury is due to a defective car part, call The Brown Firm today.

We are here to help you know what to do after suffering a broken bone in an accident.

What type of injury case is a broken bone injury?

Many types of accidents can cause broken bones. If you endured a broken bone due to an accident that was caused by someone else's negligence, you can be compensated.

Although there are many types of Personal Injury Accidents that cause broken bones, some of the most common ones include:

  • Car Accidents

  • Truck Accidents

  • Motorcycle Accidents

  • Slip and Falls

  • Work Injury

If you have been involved in one of these types of accidents and are suffering from a broken bone injury as a result, speaking with an experienced Personal Injury Attorney is the best way to ensure that you receive a fair financial recovery.

What Type of Lawyer Do I Need For a Broken Bone Injury?

If you were in an accident that was caused by someones else's negligence you need a personal injury lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve. Broken bones are common in personal injury cases such as car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents.

How much does a broken bone injury lawyer cost?

Hiring a Broken Bone Injury Attorney will not cost you any upfront legal fees, because they work on what is called a Contingency Fee Basis, and also provide a Free Consultation.

A Contingency Fee Basis means that you do not pay any legal fees upfront, and your attorneys only collect a fee in the form of a small percentage of your final settlement.

Working on a Contingency Fee Basis is very beneficial to Personal Injury Victims because they can rest assured knowing that their attorney will do everything in their power to maximize their settlement for them.

How Long Will it Take to Get my Settlement?

Personal Injury Lawsuits can vary a great deal when it comes to the length of time it will take to settle.

First, it depends on how soon after your accident you speak to an attorney and how long it takes to file your claim.

Second, the seriousness of the accident and the extent of the injuries can cause the length of time to vary. In most cases, insurance companies will want to wait until the victim is completely healed from their injuries and they have all of the medical bills before settling. This is another reason speaking with an attorney is beneficial as they can set up a medical lien so that you do not have to pay your medical bills and then wait for reimbursement.

Finally, it depends on the size of the settlement and how backed up the courts are at the time. If you are willing to accept a smaller settlement, then your case can usually be resolved in a few weeks or months. If you are going after a larger settlement, it may take longer.

Also, if your case goes to trial, it can get pushed back even further due to courts usually being backed up with hundreds of cases waiting to be heard.