Slip and Fall Lawyer in Okatie, SC

Have you been injured in a Slip and Fall Accident in Okatie, South Carolina?

A slip and fall may not sound particularly serious, however, depending on the person and the specific details of the fall, great harm can actually come as a result of such an accident.

If you find yourself in this particular situation it is important to seek help.

Our Okatie Slip and Fall Attorneys can help, negligent property owners may be held financially liable for your injury, including medical care, pain, emotional distress, and lost income.

If you were involved in such a slip and fall accident in Okatie, do not wait to contact an experienced attorney for legal advice.

Click below to schedule a Free Consultation with our Expert Attorneys Today!

What Are Common Causes of Premises Liability?

There are many ways that an Okatie slip and fall can occur due to negligent property owners.

It is not limited to the failure to produce a "wet floor" sign after the linoleum has been freshly mopped. There is a wide variety of factors that can attribute to making a path unsafe for pedestrians to walk on without proper warning.

Here are some types of property owner negligence that can cause a person to be injured:

  • Slippery Or Uneven Pavement, Sidewalks, Stairs

  • Poor Lighting Conditions

  • Poorly Built Or Maintained Objects

  • Overly Steep Entryways Or Driveways

  • Blocked Aisles

In these cases, time is an extremely important factor. You must act quickly, or the accident scene may change, and evidence crucial to your case may not be there anymore when revisited.

If you are injured in this type of incident, there are several steps you should take:

  1. Report the incident to the proper authorities – make an incident report.

  2. Take pictures of the scene – location, cause of the incident, time of day, etc.

  3. Get immediate medical care – make sure you attend any follow-up appointments!

  4. Contact The Brown Firm in Okatie as soon as possible after the incident.

Each one of these steps is crucial in order to ensure that appropriate justice is done for your cause and to provide for all your needs.

Information and documentation will make things significantly less complicated as you proceed with the various legalities required in slip and fall accidents.

It is also crucial to follow the exact sequence of events as outlined above. If you get a lawyer first, evidence of your accident could be removed or changed in the meantime.

It is necessary to contact the authorities first to have documentation of the accident with a credible source. This also avoids the prospect of an "I said, they said" situation in court.

It is also important to gather evidence yourself by taking photographs of the actual scene and situation. This will validate the authorities' witness and will help guide your attorney in the right direction as they proceed with getting your needs met.

Apart from documenting the event is receiving proper medical attention. The goal is to get you back to the way you were as quickly and easily as possible. There will be no way to achieve this if the extent of the damage is not cataloged.

A medical professional should have no problem in assessing your injuries and getting you started on the path to physical recovery. This information will also be invaluable to your attorney as it will reveal exactly what your needs are.

Only after all the above are satisfied should you proceed to seek out legal representation.

What's Involved in a Lawsuit?

There are a lot of fine points that go along with such a lawsuit. A person injured in these types of accidents must satisfy the following two elements to have a valid claim:

  • The injured victim was unaware of the dangerous condition or surrounding they are walking into.

  • The owner had actual knowledge of the dangerous condition or should have reasonably known through the use of due care that the dangerous condition existed.

To prove that a property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition, attorneys can present evidence that details the dangerous condition had existed for such a long period of time that it should have been discovered by the owner of the property had they exercised reasonable care in inspecting the premises.

That is the reason why it is so pivotal to file a report with an official source and to take photographs of the scene. It will prove to be invaluable in determining whether or not the property owner was aware of the condition.

For instance, your slip and fall attorney may present evidence that a department store’s employees were in the immediate vicinity of the dangerous condition and should have noticed and removed the hazard.

This can be manifested as any number of things from a loose stair or a wet floor. Your attorney may also present evidence that the store was understaffed, and therefore, the store owner failed to satisfy the duty to maintain a property free from hazards.

It is important to always be vigilant when out and about. Potential dangers are everywhere and none are to be taken lightly.

However, in some cases, proper documentation was not made of the scene of the accident. A pivotal aspect might not have been photographed, or due to the excitement, specific details may have been forgotten.

As a result, your attorney may have to do their own investigation.

For instance, your slip and fall attorney may present evidence that a department store’s employees were in the immediate vicinity of the dangerous condition and should have noticed and removed the hazard.

This can be manifested as any number of things from a loose stair or a wet floor. Your attorney may also present evidence that the store was understaffed, and therefore, the store owner failed to satisfy the duty to maintain a property free from hazards.

It is important to always be vigilant when out and about. Potential dangers are everywhere and none are to be taken lightly.

However, in some cases, proper documentation was not made of the scene of the accident. A pivotal aspect might not have been photographed, or due to the excitement, specific details may have been forgotten.

As a result, your attorney may have to do their own investigation.

Additional information might also be needed to prove that the property owner was negligent in maintaining the property and that this negligence contributed to your injuries, because of this, Okatie Attorneys may:

  • Visit the scene of the accident

  • Take photographs of the dangerous condition surveillance

  • Question eyewitnesses

  • Obtain copies of accident reports

  • Review a store’s operational records and store cleaning logs

Contact a Professional Okatie Slip and Fall Attorney

If you have been injured such an Accident in Okatie, contact South Carolina's Best Lawyers. We are committed to fighting for the justice you deserve after your fall case.

It is only fair to received recompense from those responsible for your slip and fall accident.

Our attorneys can help you prove your case and obtain full compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering.

Click now to speak with an experienced Okatie Slip and Fall Attorney today!