Distracted Driving Car Accident Attorney Atlanta

If you were involved in a distracted driving accident in Atlanta, Georgia, you should consult a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, most driving accident cases are caused by human negligence.

It can happen when a driver is distracted, for example, using smartphones, or talking to the passenger and not paying attention to the road.

When you get injured in an Atlanta distracted driving collision, you have high chances of receiving compensation from an insurance company and coverage from the involved party.

With the top Distracted Driving Car Accident Attorney in Atlanta you can get the compensation you deserve.


To put it simply, distracted driving is the simple act of driving while distracted.

It sounds simple enough to avoid. Certain things without a doubt jump to the front of your mind, using smartphones or talking to a passenger.


However, these are far from being the only things that could distract a driver while out on the road.

One of the best-known distractions today is cell phones.

Specifically text based communication, however, other app users are not off the hook either.

It is a tempting thought that one can take a quick second to check their smartphones to see what their instant message said.

However, it only takes a "quick second" to ruins someone's life.

Cell phones are not the only devices that could be the cause of driving distracted.

Simply changing stations on your radio could qualify as distracted driving.

Another common potential accident cause is your GPS.

A brief moment of looking down to check your map could lead to a terrible accident.

As a result, mobile device users need to be careful to not use their technology when driving.

Realistically, sometimes you will need to use technology while driving.

Thankfully there is an alternative to looking down to check your mobile device.

Hands-Free Technology has greatly improved over the last few years.

It can help you place a phone call, reroute your GPS, or even change the song on your radio.

In 2020, most cars produced have features that allow you to use some tech in a safe manner while driving.

It can still potentially cause fatal accidents if one is not careful, but if used responsibly, it could very well save lives.

Eating and Drinking

Technology is not the only way that one can be found guilty of being distracted under Driving Law.

An all too common distraction that people seldom think of is eating.

Eating unsafely can assuredly cause driver accidents.

Even looking down to pick up a cheap fast-food sandwich, can eventually lead to an accident and expensive medical bills.

Another very common form of distraction according to Driving Law is drunk driving and driving under the influence.

Alcohol and drug users are still driving distracted.

Alcohol and other mind-altering substances inherently cause distractions.

If you have been indulging in such activities, it would be best if you simply did not drive.

Hire a driver to get you safely to where you go.

There is no hands-free technology, or car features, or electronic devices that can help someone driving under the influence.

As you can see, there are a plethora of different ways to cause an accident.

Likewise, there are a vast amount of outcomes to an accident as well.

Injuries can range from a few bumps and bruises to fatalities.

It is simply not worth it.

Invest in hands-free technology and do not drive under the influence.

If you have been injured due to some distracted driving activity, do not panic.

You have options.

You need the help of experienced accident lawyers who can offer you, appropriate legal counsel, as you pursue your personal injury claim.


The Brown Firm legal team consists of a plethora of lawyers have years of experience in helping victims of many different types of accidents.

We're specialized in car accident law, and because of that, we know how to help victims of motor vehicle accidents.

Harry Brown, Jr. is a founder of The Brown Firm.

He's one of the very few attorneys that is also a medical professional.

Thanks to this connection, he knows how to best help those in pain and suffering, due to injuries or even family member fatalities, because of a distracted driver.

It's in your best interest to hire an experienced attorney if you were hit by a driver who was not paying attention to help you receive financial compensation.

Your Atlanta distracted driving attorney will make sure you get the full amount of compensation that you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Your team of lawyers have a vast variety of resources available to help earn you your compensation.

These tools range from cell phone records, accident reconstructionists, copies of the police report, and even medical records.

Do not worry about how much money seeking justice will cost you.

The Brown Firm operates on a contingency fee basis.

You do not pay use any amount of money until we get you the compensation you deserve.


I Don't Feel Any Pain. Should I Still See a Doctor?

If you were injured by a distracted driver, you should immediately seek medical care.

Just because you do not need emergency medical care does not mean you don't need to be seen for other injuries.

Many people postpone seeing a specialist for a multitude of reasons.

Recently, it may be because they want to limit potential exposure to Covid-19.

However, traditionally this may be because they don't feel pain or don't have visible wounds.

Please, don't make this mistake.

There is no way of knowing the full extent of ones injuries, they could potentially be insignificant, but they potentially could lead to fatalities.

Distracted driving auto accidents can be a very traumatic event.

While under high-stress levels, your body can release adrenaline.

It's a natural reaction, but it can mask the pain for hours or even days.

Underlying injuries, such as spinal injuries, neck damages, etc., are very common for accident victims.

The sooner they are treated, the higher the chances of recovery.

If you don't address them on time, they can develop into severe health conditions, including different kinds of disabilities.

Moreover, to win your case, you're going to need proof that you were injured in a car accident.

If you postpone medical consultation even for a few days, you can lose your case.

The at-fault driver's attorney and their insurance company are going to do everything to prove that you were injured after the accident or that the damages weren't serious.

The best counterargument to this is good medical documentation prepared soon after the accident happened.


When you hire a distracted driving collision lawyer from The Brown Firm, you're going to get all you need to deal with your car accident case.

We know everything about personal injury law.

Moreover, we have a chiropractor on board, so we're fully conscious of how to deal with the case from the legal and medical sides.

Contact us today by a phone call or e mail to schedule an initial consultation with the best Atlanta distracted driving injury attorney.

Call us today and get the help you deserve from one of our qualified Distracted Driving Attorneys.