Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


Getting injured at a crosswalk happens more often than you may realize, but unlike car accidents, people don't seem to talk about crosswalk accidents as much.

Leaving victims of crosswalk injuries unsure of what to do, what their rights are, and that cause of the accident.

No worries The Brown Firm can answer all of those questions and represent you in your case. Our Law Firm is experienced in Personal Injury Accidents included Crosswalk Accidents.

Statistics state that 15 people per day die nationwide from Pedestrian related injuries.

The Brown Firm has been helping accident injury victims with legal help for a combined service of over 30 years.

Common Reasons Crosswalk Accidents Occur

  • Distracted Driving: The driver could be on the phone, eating, or looking at something else going on around them.

  • Drunk Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause a delay in reaction time and blurred vision that can lead to an accident. Almost half (48%) of crashes that resulted in pedestrian deaths involved alcohol for the driver or the pedestrian.

  • Engineering Issue: If the intersection was not to well thought out or different than usual it can cause more room for error on the driver's end.

  • Drivers Not Following Laws: Speeding is a common traffic law people overlook that have serious side effects.

  • Pedestrian did not listen to Crosswalk Signs: Walking when you should not such as the crosswalk symbol says no walking.


Jaywalking is not mentioned in any of Georgia's pedestrian laws. Therefore, crossing anywhere is most often is legal. Pedestrians need to yield to traffic before crossing, follow signals at intersections crosswalks, and another important rule to follow is to never cross at an intersection diagonally.

Some people are not sure of the crossing signals so to clarify, if the symbol is blinking then you can continue crossing, much like a yellow light when driving, and the cars have to wait for you to finish crossing. This does not mean you can start walking if the signal is already blinking indicating change. Check out 40-6-22. Pedestrian control signals to get a better understanding of the law.

§ 40-6-92. Crossing roadway elsewhere than at crosswalk:

“Jaywalking” is not a legal term and does not appear in the Georgia Code. Even so, people often use “jaywalking” to describe a pedestrian crossing outside of a crosswalk. In fact, crossing the street outside of a crosswalk is perfectly LEGAL in most places, as long as the pedestrians yield to traffic.


Pedestrian accidents are often traumatic because your body can not take the impact of a car hitting it.

Thousands of pounds come out of nowhere and whip you out it nothing anyone can prepare for and never wants to experience.

Injuries are commonly serious if not fatal, here are typical injuries:

  • Paralysis or other spinal cord injuries that cause loss of function

  • Broken bones or damage to other parts of your musculoskeletal system

  • Lacerations and bruises that cause damage to your organs

  • Concussions and even more serious head injuries

  • Dental damages

  • Vision loss


As always this is left up to authorities on scene taking the report, evidence collected, attorneys, and laws to determine who is at fault.

This is why it is important for you to know what to do if you have been injured as a pedestrian.

Follow these 4 steps:

  1. Get Medical Treatment: Many pedestrian accidents involve on-scene ambulance care. Do not refuse treatment.

  2. Get information on everyone involved: Gathering insurance information and contact information can help your case.

  3. Take Photos: having visual evidence of your injuries, damages, and a visual scene of the accident can help your case.

  4. Contact The Brown Firm: Do not share your side of the story before contacting a professional attorney. Unfortunately, people will try to twist your words because they do not want to be blamed for the accident, you especially have to watch out for insurance companies.


Even though it seems that the driver is usually at fault for pedestrian injuries and deaths there are preventative measures that you can take as a pedestrian.

  • Increase visibility: wear reflective gear and carry a flashlight at night.

  • Walk on sidewalks or paths when provided and use shoulder facing traffic when there is not a provided safe walking space.

  • Cross at designated areas if possible. Even though you can cross in most areas in Georgia the marked area is where cars are more mindful of pedestrians.

  • Only cross when you can clearly see both ways to ensure there is not a car coming around the corner because if you cannot see them than they most likely won't be able to see you.


Set up a consultation with an experienced attorney at The Brown Firm if you or a loved one have been injured as a pedestrian.

Remember a pedestrian is anyone involved in an automobile accident that was not inside a car. Know your rights and get the best representation in Georgia for Pedestrian Injuries.

Our team works to help Georgia residences get the care they need after being in a personal injury accident.

Don't hesitate to call our Georgia Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Atlanta, Athens, Savannah, or Okatie, South Carolina to get a better understanding of what your options are when it comes to dealing with the law.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pedestrian Injury Cases

What Type of Lawyer Will take a Pedestrian Crosswalk Accident Case?

A Personal Injury Lawyer specializes in helping pedestrian crosswalk injury victims.

Other types of Personal Injury Accidents these Lawyers typically help include:

  • Car Accidents

  • Truck Accidents

  • Motorcycle Accidents

  • Slip and Falls

  • Medical Malpractice

  • Work Injury

If you have been involved in one of these types of accidents and are suffering from an injury as a result, speaking with an experienced Personal Injury Attorney is the best way to ensure that you receive a fair financial recovery.

If I Hire a Pedestrian Injury Attorney, Will I Have to Go to Trial?

Usually, you will not need to go to trial during your Personal Injury Lawsuit. Most of the time, a settlement will be reached between your attorney and the at-fault party's insurance company. However, your attorney will discuss with you what the best option is for you to receive the largest settlement possible, and occasionally that can mean going to trial.

How Much Does a Pedestrian Injury Lawyer Cost?

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney for your Pedestrian Injury Accident will not cost you any upfront legal fees, because they work on what is called a Contingency Fee Basis, and also provide a Free Consultation.

A Contingency Fee Basis means that you do not pay any legal fees up front, and your attorneys only collect a fee in the form of a small percentage of your final settlement.

Working on a Contingency Fee Basis is very beneficial to Personal Injury Victims because they can rest assured knowing that their attorney will do everything in their power to maximize their settlement for them.