Truck Accident Lawyer Kennesaw

truck accident lawyer in Kennesaw

Trucks are a pivotal aspect of American life. We rely on them for a plethora of different reasons. Similarly to trains, they are capable of transporting a large shipment of goods across states, across the country, and sometimes internationally. However, unlike trains, they are not bound on the route of a single line. They are free to go anywhere a road does. This means warehouses, businesses, or even to your front doorstep. However, it's not just for large companies anymore. With the development of online shopping, consumers direct access to specific goods and reliance on trucks making deliveries has never been higher.

However, as helpful and necessary as trucks have become to maintaining our way of life. They have the inherent dangers that come along with them. Any form of a traffic accident is tragic and can cause great harm. However, like the old adage, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A large truck can potentially cause a great deal of damage, not only to your car but to your physical person. That is why it is essential to know your rights and options involving a truck accident and how to find the best truck accident lawyer in Kennesaw, GA.

When a Tractor Trailer or Truck causes an Accident, the driver and trucking company may be held accountable for injuries and property damage.

If you or a loved one was hurt in a truck accident that was not your fault while driving a passenger vehicle or a motorcycle in Kennesaw, contact our experienced truck accident injury attorneys today from The Brown Firm for free legal advice and representation.

If you were injured by a tractor-trailer while driving a motorcycle, your case might contain even more specific and detailed nuances.

All drivers in traffic have a responsibility when it comes to traveling on the road. Even car and motorcycle drivers have to be properly educated and assessed in order to drive. However, truck drivers are held to a higher standard than the other average driver on the road. They have to undergo special truck driving courses and receive an extensive examination to ensure they are qualified to handle such large rigs and avoid truck accidents whenever possible.

There are many strict government regulations that trucking companies and truck drivers must follow regarding the operation of their rigs. This includes driver training and work schedules. These regulations not only cover Kennesaw semi-trucks but trucks all over the country.

Attorney Harry Brown, Jr. DC, JD is a qualified Kennesaw truck accident lawyer and is intimately familiar with the debilitating injuries a person can suffer due to Truck Accidents. He will use his legal and medical experience to fight for the compensation you deserve vigorously.

Truck Accidents Occur For Many Reasons

There are a plethora of reasons that could potentially cause a truck accident. In any accident, it is easy to assume that its cause is due to a driver's negligence in maintaining the rules of the road. That is a common and probable reason for such an accident. However, it is far from being the sole reason. Several factors can contribute to a potential Kennesaw truck accident when it comes to truck drivers. Four of which are:

  1. Improperly Maintained Vehicles

  2. Tried Drivers

  3. Violations Of Highway Traffic

  4. Safety laws

One of the reasons why such care is taken in avoiding truck accidents, in particular, is because they are potentially much more devastating than other forms of traffic accidents. The massive size of the truck and its accompanying speed can cause a tremendous amount of damage not only to the other drivers on the road but to the world around it.

If you find yourself in a car accident caused by a truck, there are several actions that you must take afterward. However, the most imperative of which is to receive the necessary medical attention. Visit a qualified medical professional to ascertain the extent of the damage that you have incurred.

This will be a cornerstone for the rest of your proceedings regarding the accident. This necessary information gained from a physical examination will give your lawyer more resources to work with as they fight to ensure that your needs will be met and justice provided.

However, it is essential to remain patient throughout such an occurrence. Many Truck Accident Injuries are so severe that they will require long-term treatment and care. Be patient and keep fighting for recovery like your Kennesaw truck accident lawyer is fighting for your rights.

Our Law Firm will prepare a comprehensive claim and seek maximum compensation for any accident-related expenses and losses, including hospitalization, medical care, lost wages, rehabilitation, physical therapy, home care, and property damage to help end your pain and suffering.

You deserve compensation and a just settlement, and we will work hard to minimize hassles and delays.

Our Commercial Truck Injury Lawyers Protect Our Clients

Complex tractor trailer truck accident litigation requires a thorough investigation, expert witnesses, and a clever use of discovery procedures once a case has been filed.

We provide:

  1. A prompt investigation of the accident scene,

  2. Documentation of all favorable evidence including,

  3. Searching for eyewitnesses,

  4. Skid marks, yaw marks, accident debris, gouge marks

  5. Along with, oil, gas, and radiator fluid stains that can disappear quickly after an accident

  6. Our on-site field investigators obtain police reports, motor carrier records, witness statements, photographs, and safety logs

We are dedicated to proving your injuries and bringing forth all liable negligent parties that caused your devastating and life-changing accident. We will fight diligently to ensure that all of your needs regarding the accident are met and that you are taken care of during such a desperate time.

You found a trusted and respected law firm that can help you achieve a winning outcome in your trucking accident lawsuit.

How Our Truck Accident Attorneys in Kennesaw Can Help You

If you have suffered due to being Injured in a Truck Accident, you are more than likely feeling very overwhelmed. You have already had to face doctor's appointments, examinations, and have to undergo extensive measures for physical recovery. And all of that is just an attempt to get back to the place you were before the accident.

However, there is still more to be done besides your physical recovery. There are the accompanying legal proceedings as well. Anyone would be intimidated by the massive maze of protocols, paperwork, and court practices that accompany such an incident. It is critical to remember that you do not have to face this challenge alone. You have enough to consider without having to worry about your needs being met. Many capable lawyers can come alongside you to fight for the justice you deserve.

If you find yourself in such a situation after a truck accident, contact us. The Brown Firm can help you. We will fight diligently for your rights.

No one should have to suffer because of a truck driver or any other person's lack of responsibility or dangerous actions. At The Brown Firm, we are committed to protecting your right to the compensation you deserve.

Because of their potential severity, Major Truck Accident Injuries can lead to a lifetime of costly medical care and personal challenges. If you were not at fault, why should you have to be the one to pay for them. Your needs have to be met somehow. In such a situation, they should not be your responsibility, but of the one who caused the damage.

At The Brown Firm, we believe in justice. A belief that we are willing to fight for. Let our experienced and aggressive lawyers in Kennesaw, Georgia, protect your interests so that you can concentrate on your health and recovery.

Contact our Kennesaw Truck Accident Lawyers To Represent You Today!