Exercise Station

Exercise station

Few good centers at Gurugram are proud caterers of Theraband and Wellness Station. The station offers the best equipment based exercise making use of Elastic resistance tubes and bands to strengthen the affected part of the body.

Establishing the range of motion usually remains the first priority followed by stregth training of the specific group of muscles. Strength training usually treats disuse and atrophy of muscle. This allevates pain and stiffness. Exercises perhaps are the most promising natural treatment to any biomechanical alteration in joint function. Long term effects of medications are thus avoided with prevention of recurrence of symptoms.

For any queries please write to us at: jyoti.orthopedics@gmail.com; We'll be glad to help you at: 0124-2322673;0124-4326662; +91-9053267890 WhatsApp:+91-9053267890

Appointments: +91-9053267890; +91-7201796667