Do Now Notebooks

The Do Now Notebook is an important part of Grade 6 History for a number of reasons. First of all, it promotes discussion about the current topic we are studying in class. Secondly, the questions often prompt you to look at your own life in relation to history, making it easier to understand historical connections to modern day. Finally, we are giving you the chance to practice your writing and stretch your critical thinking abilities - important skills that you will use throughout the rest of your Middle School career and in the Upper School.

The notebooks will be collected at random every quarter at unspecified dates so you must be ready at any time to turn it in! We will be grading them out of 10 points. Please see below the Expectations for the Do Now Notebook and the Grading Criteria.

Expectations for the Do Now Notebook:

Grading Criteria:

10 points: Every entry is present and meets the expectations. 😁

8 points: Every entry is present, but 1- 2 entries do not meet the expectations.

6 points: 1 - 2 entries are missing and/or many entries do not meet the expectations.

4 points: No entries meet the expectations.

0 points: There are no entries in the Do Now Notebook. 😢