New York

This is your go-to page for all of the information your group needs to complete this presentation. There is no need to go beyond these resources as we have limited time. If you feel that you need more information, talk to your teacher to get suggestions for extra resources.

Go through these resources in the order in which they are presented. You should take notes as you go, so that the creation of your presentation is more efficient.

Resource #1: Textbook

Everyone in the group must read the sections titled "Early Campaigns" and "Patriot Defeat on Long Island" on page 148 of the textbook. 

If using the online textbook, choose "Chapter 6: The American Revolution" > "Lesson 1." You may need to click on the yellow numbers at the bottom until you find the red section headings listed above. It is most likely page 4. You can also use the search function at the top right of the site.

Resource #2: Liberty's Kids Episode 14: New York, New York

Everyone in the group must watch the following Liberty's Kids episode. You can either watch it as a group or individually with headphones. 

Resource #3: Significant Battles PDF p. 18-30 PDF

Everyone in the group must download this Significant Battles PDF, but ONLY READ pages 18-19 (see the page numbers at the bottom of each PDF page to find the right one).

Significant Battles p. 18 - 30.pdf

Resource #4: America: the Story of US - Fight for New York

Everyone in the group must watch the following video clip. You can either watch it as a group or individually with headphones.

Fight for New York.mp4

Resource #5: "The Fight For New York City"

Read the following  document called "The Fight For New York City."

You can make your own copy of it in order to be able to answer the questions.

The Fight for New York City Reading

Now that you've gone through all of your resources, it's time to get the Research Chart filled in! Remember to split up the questions on the Research Chart among your group members so that you guys are being as efficient as possible.