Mission US

ATTENTION GAMERS! Your opportunity to legitimately "game online" for history has finally arrived!

MISSION US is an interactive history adventure game designed to improve your understanding of the American Revolution.

1770 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: "For Crown or Colony?" explores the reasons for Revolution through the eyes of Loyalists and Patriots in 1770 Boston.

Take on the role of 14-year old printer's apprentice, Nat Wheeler, as he navigates his way through Boston undertaking several tasks and meeting a variety of characters on both sides of the conflict. 

Watch this short promo video for the game and then follow the registration instructions below to get started.


Go to the following site: https://www.mission-us.org/ 

Click on the "CREATE ACCOUNT" on the top right of the page

You are now ready to START MISSION!

Mission US: Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

Now that you have had time to start playing the game, discuss the questions on the document with your small group. Use specific examples from your game experience as well as your background knowledge of the 13 colonies.