
Whenever we use INFORMATION or IMAGES from any hard copy or online resources, it is important to give credit to the authors/owners. Please pay careful attention to the instructions below so that you are following the proper rules of CITATION for your Colony Report Card Project.

You will be graded on the completion and accuracy of your citations for both INFORMATION and IMAGES. Make sure you keep track of your resources as you research using the Citations Organizer shared with you through Canvas.

information citations

For INFORMATION gathered from the resources provided on the "Research Resources" page, use the citations provided below but make sure you change any text in the citation which is bolded:

Citation for Resource #1 Colony Profiles:

Bower, Bert. "Name of Colony." History Alive! Colonial Life and the American Revolution. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 1997.

**Remember you must change the bolded text to the name of whatever colony you are researching!**

Citation for Resource #2 Colony Timelines:

Pratt, Mary K. A Timeline History of the Thirteen Colonies. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 2015. Print.

Citation for Resource #3 The Land of the Brave Website:

"Name of Colony." The Land of the Brave. Web. March 18, 2024. <>.

**Remember you must change the bolded text to the name of your colony and the date you accessed the site!**

Citation for Resource #4 Encyclopedia Britannica:

Articles on this database have the MLA citation ready to copy and paste from the Check Mark icon on the upper-right hand corner.

Citation for Resource #5 World Book Student:

Articles on this database have the MLA citation ready to copy and paste from the drop-down menu that appears when you click the Tools & Settings icon located to the right of the title of the article. Select "Citation" and then copy the MLA one!

Citations for Resource #6 Native American Articles:

Copy and paste the citation provided within each article.

image citations

For IMAGES found online, use the following citation format:

Description or title of image. [Online image]   Date accessed. <URL>.


Original Thirteen Colonies. [Online image]  March 18, 2024. <>.

Remember to make sure you have the correct URL for your image citation. 

If you are searching in Google Images, select the image you want, then right-click and choose 'Copy image address.' 

Then paste this URL into your citation.

To cite the McGRAW HILL HISTORY TEXTBOOK, use the following:

Appleby, Joyce, et al. Discovering our Past: A History of the United States Early Years. Ohio: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018. Print.

To cite the ACTIVITY BOOKLET, use the following:

Taipei American School Semester 2 Grade 6 History Activity Booklet, 2022-23.

To cite the BLUE BOOK series from the book cart, use the following template:

Cunningham, Kevin. The Connecticut Colony. New York: Children's Press, 2012. Print.

**Remember you must change the bolded text to the name of your colony!**

To cite the WHITE BOOK series from the book cart, use the following template:

Doherty, Craig & Katherine. The Thirteen Colonies: New York. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2005. Print.

**Remember you must change the bolded text to the name of your colony!**

To cite the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC series from the book cart, use the following template:

McDermott, Jesse. Voices from Colonial America: Rhode Island, 1636-1776. National Geographic Society, 2006. Print.

**Remember you must change the bolded text to the name and dates of your colony!**

Citation for Mr. Zoller's Videos:

To cite one of Mr. Zoller's Videos, choose from the following: