Cosmic Chemistry

Evidence of Work

For this project, we had to learn about elements, and where they come from. More specifically, how the origin of our universe, the Big Bang, created elements. We started off by learning how scientists arrived at the Big Bang theory. After establishing that, we learned how immense gravity in stars creates heavier elements from smaller ones through nuclear fusion.

As for the actual project, we had to demonstrate our knowledge of the Big Bang theory and how it was made. To do this, we were put into groups of four and given four tasks; writing a letter to scientists as if from a journalist, writing a letter to journalists as though in response, a timeline of events in the Big Bang, and a visual representation of the Big Bang. This made it tempting to let each group member focus on one part, but we were to have a part in each aspect. Caleb and I, while having a hand in each part of the project, focused primarily on writing the letters.

Cosmic Chemistry


  • Subatomic particles

    • Particles smaller than atoms

      • When two smaller atoms fuse, as they do in stars, they often release energy in the form of subatomic particles.

  • Isotope

    • A "version" of an element with a different number of neutrons

      • During nuclear fusion, atoms with the same number of protons and electrons may be created, but sometimes there are one or more extra neutrons. This is because there are multiple ways to get the same atom.

  • Fission

    • The process of splitting atoms and releasing energy

      • This has no connection to our project besides being the opposite of fusion.

  • Fusion

    • The process of fusing atoms and releasing energy

      • This is the process by which stars work; they fuse atoms creating progressively heavier ones, up to iron if conditions are right, and release energy in the process.

  • Radioactive decay

    • The process of radioactive elements decaying into other elements

      • It was this idea that allowed scientists to derive the age of the universe, by using the half-life of uranium.

  • Half-life

    • The time it takes for half of a sample of a radioactive element to decay.

      • By figuring out the half-life of uranium and analyzing an untouched sample of uranium and lead 206 and 207 (the lead isotopes that uranium decays into), the age of the universe was able to be calculated

  • Nuclear transformation

    • Any transformation that happens at a subatomic level

      • This unit focused on nuclear transformations, whether it be the creation of elements or extrapolating the age of the universe using the half-life of uranium

  • Radiation

    • The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles

      • During nuclear fusion, stars emit radiation

  • Nucleosynthesis

    • The creation of new elements by fusing smaller one

      • This was the centerpiece of this whole unit; learning how the universe was formed, how stars were formed, and how new elements were formed.


Over the course of this project, I would say I demonstrated strong Collaboration qualities. I had to collaborate primarily with Caleb, as we wrote our letters hand in hand. Also, I had to collaborate with the rest of the team on the other components of the project. Additionally, Communication was also a strong point, as it was required for proper collaboration. There was no way I could have collaborated with my team on the project without first communicating well.

One thing I did not get a very good chance to demonstrate would be Critical Thinking. This project had a mostly research and creativity, and not much problem solving and critical thinking. Another thing would be Cultural Competence. This was not a very culturally involved topic, and was very easy to navigate without much global awareness.