Robot Art Show

Evidence of Work

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //tells program to include an LCD display

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);//assigns pins 8-13 to the LCD display

int RedPin = 7;//assigns red to pin 7

int GreenPin = 6;//assigns green to pin 6

int BluePin = 5;//assigns blue to pin 5

int speakerPin = 4;//assigns the speaker control to pin 4

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:


pinMode(RedPin,OUTPUT);//sets the red pin to output a signal

pinMode(GreenPin,OUTPUT);//sets green pin to output a signal

pinMode(BluePin,OUTPUT);//sets blue pin to output a signal

lcd.begin(16, 2);


pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);//sets the speaker pin to output a signal


void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

lcd.setCursor(0,0);//places cursor at top left

lcd.print("Take on Me");//puts the song title on the screen

green();//should turn the RGB light to green

play('F', 1); //plays an F# for one beat

turnOff ();//should turn off the RGB light

green(); //repeat for all other notes and colors

play('F', 1);

turnOff ();


play('d', 1);

turnOff ();


play('b', 1);

turnOff ();

play(' ', 1);


play('b', 1);

turnOff ();

play(' ', 1);


play('f', 1);

turnOff ();

play(' ', 1);


turnOff ();

play('f', 1);

play(' ', 1);

play('f', 1);

play('G', 1);

play('G', 1);

play('a', 1);

play('B', 1);

play('a', 1);

play('a', 1);

play('a', 1);

play('f', 1);

play(' ', 1);

play('d', 1);

play(' ', 1);

play('F', 1);

play(' ', 1);

play('F', 1);

play(' ', 1);

play('F', 1);

play('f', 1);

play('f', 1);

play('F', 1);

play('f', 1);


void play( char note, int beats ) {//defines the program "play" to take input from the note and the number of beats

int numNotes = 9;//declares the number of notes

char notes[] = { 'b', 'd', 'f', 'F', 'G', 'a', 'B', ' '};//declares the notes

int frequencies[] = {247, 294, 330, 370, 416, 440, 494, 0};//assigns frequencies to notes

int currentFrequency = 0;//sets starting frequency

int beatLength = 150;//defines the beat length in milliseconds

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) // check each value in notes from 0 to 9


if (notes[i] == note) // does the letter passed to the play function match the letter in the array?


currentFrequency = frequencies[i]; // Yes! Set the current frequency to match that note



tone(speakerPin, currentFrequency, beats * beatLength);

delay(beats* beatLength); //wait for the length of the tone so that it has time to play

delay(50); //a little delay between the notes makes the song sound more natural


void red (){

//set the LED pins to values that make red

analogWrite(RedPin, 100);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);

analogWrite(BluePin, 0);


void orange (){

//set the LED pins to values that make orange

analogWrite(RedPin, 100);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 50);

analogWrite(BluePin, 0);


void yellow (){

//set the LED pins to values that make yellow

analogWrite(RedPin, 100);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 100);

analogWrite(BluePin, 0);


void green (){

//set the LED pins to values that make green

analogWrite(RedPin, 0);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 100);

analogWrite(BluePin, 0);


void cyan (){

//set the LED pins to values that make cyan

analogWrite(RedPin, 0);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 100);

analogWrite(BluePin, 100);


void blue (){

//set the LED pins to values that make blue

analogWrite(RedPin, 0);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);

analogWrite(BluePin, 100);


void magenta (){

//set the LED pins to values that make magenta

analogWrite(RedPin, 100);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);

analogWrite(BluePin, 100);


void turnOff (){

//set all three LED pins to 0 or OFF

analogWrite(RedPin, 0);

analogWrite(GreenPin, 0);

analogWrite(BluePin, 0);


For this project, we had to tackle a set of skills that, unfortunately weren't much of our teachers' area of expertise, rendering the amount of help they could offer to a minimum. Most of the work was done independent of them, as we used kits to learn to assemble circuits and code. Later on, the examples in the kits served as foundations, both in hardware and software. From there, it was up to us to create an art form that could supposedly be enjoyed by humans and robots alike. (Assuming artificial intelligence could grow so advanced that it could appreciate any kind of art. We chose to have our project play the song "Take On Me" by Ah-ha as well as flash an RGB LED corresponding to each note. However, we only managed to code the song audio and the title onto an LCD display.


  • Big Idea

    • Electrical and magnetic fields can move charges using force and can be created using electrical circuits.

  • Topics

    • I can predict the forces between different electric charges.

    • I can create an experiment to understand the connection between magnets and electricity.

    • I can create a model to show the motion and energy of objects in electric or magnetic fields.

    • I can build a series or parallel circuit, calculate the total resistance, then solve for the the current and voltage using Ohm’s Law (V=ir)

  • Vocab

    • charge

      • to store electrical energy

    • electrostatic force

      • attractive or repulsive forces depending on the electrical charge of an object

    • coulomb's inverse square law

      • F=ke(q1q2/r2)

    • electric circuit

      • a path in which electrons form a voltage or current source flow

    • voltage

      • a difference in electrical potential

    • electric current

      • the movement of electrons from positive to negative charge

    • magnetic field

      • an invisible field surrounding a magnetic object

    • volts

      • the unit of measurement of voltage

    • amperes

      • a current flow of one coulomb per second

    • electric field

      • a field around a charged particle in which it can exert force

    • electric potential

      • the work per unit of charge required to move a charge from a reference point to a specified point


Yet another success to almost finish off the school year, this project was one of the more difficult as far as problem solving and troubleshooting is concerned. Critical Thinking was needed for this project, and a lot of it. The most difficult part was troubleshooting, and that seemed to be consistent across most groups. Also, my skills as a Conscientious Learner had to present themselves while learning from a kit how to assemble a circuit and and code it to do what I wanted it to.

However, Collaboration over the course of this project left something to be desired, as I was absent some days, and my partner was absent other days. Also, Communication really suffered, as the longest exchanges were usually me asking him to pass me a specific part.