
Guestbook Entries

"I think the Banned Books Project is a visual reminder of how delicate our democracy is. When our freedom to read is being challenged, we need to educate ourselves and push back against this oppression. I've been highly recommending the Banned Books Project to faculty I work with and urging them to check the exhibit out along with their students. Job well done by everyone involved in this project."

Mary Wiseman, Ed.D.

Director of Instructional Innovation & Faculty Investment

Springfield Technical Community College

"My class, at first, thought that this would be a ho-hum exhibit. But, they followed me like the Pied Piper of Hamlen. When we arrived, and they began to absorb what they were seeing, I heard comments like, "Oh, that is one of my favorite books.". Another said, "This book is on my nightstand to read." And,  "I read that and loved it." This led to a discussion as to why each of these books listed was banned. Those who had read a particular book explained to others the series of events within the book that caused that particular book to be banned. It was truly a students teaching students moment. In our very next class, we discussed the banning of books and who does the banning; a perfect tie-in to the responsibility of voting, and the importance of who sits on the School Committee within a community. Thank you for this wonderful learning experience."

Professor Barbara M. Berger

Adjunct Professor of English 

Springfield Technical Community College