Wall Hangings/Quilts Projects

Various wall-hangings I have created. Probably more wall-hangings than quilts.

This one used up a whole lot of samples I had been given.

Again, leftover fabrics used up in an abstract expression of "Our very existence depends on 2 inches of topsoil and the fact that it rains."

The Technology Department's farewell gift for Monica Johnson, on her retirement from being principal of Marist College. "Praise those who do God's work"

Now, I am putting together a series of wall-hangings, taken from paintings I did in the early 80s! "Grey Monday's haze"

'Black tears rolling down a moist window'

Title is quite obvious.

'The outlook is up to you'

'Wellington Blues'

Animated aliens with acute desires

Rangi and Papa, out of the void both came.