2017 - Table Talk Napkins

I was passing through Spotlight, and spied this cute box of colourful mercerised cotton fabrics, so bought it.

I thought it could serve for the cool Craftivist project 'Don't Blow It'

When I opened the box and shook out one of the fabrics, I saw it was significantly bigger than hanky size, more table napkin I thought,

so my 'Table Talk Napkins' project evolved...'stitch a message to inspire, encourage and provoke positive thought, as you share a meal with friends or family'.

I put the call out.."make a table napkin and stitch a message, a quote, a poem, something that will encourage thought provoking discussion around the dining table".

A couple of people took up the creative challenge.

I will post the various results in due course.

I have made a start on my first Table Talk Napkin! 6 to work through!

I have finally completed my 'Table Talk Napkins'

All to do with food and film.

And a special birthday napkin, for a special friend.

Marist'tine 2019 table talk napkin for a teaching colleague.

I have completed my last set of 'Table Talk Napkins'! (April 2019)

Quotes from Shakespeare, all to do with wine.

I imagine the table talk being, "Which play is this quote from?...What is it meaning"..Who said it and why...Does it relate to today?" The discussion could go on for hours over a couple of bottles of wine. Sounds like a good night to me!