
ALERT: Notifications especially for USA and Israel and Japan and China and German and Russian demons.

1) Create a progression of weapons that will cause more and more destruction! Let the humans kill themselves before they learn about that bloody Son!

2) Let them use their hands and then stones and sticks.

3) Let them learn about metals and create knives and swords!

4) Let them create bows and arrows.

5) Empower them will the crossbow and catapult.

6) Create rifles and shotguns and hand-held weapons called pistols.

7) Create machine guns which will rapidly fire bullets. Tell them it will save lives by preventing traditional lines of people shooting at each other.

8) Create assets of war like aeroplanes to fly through the air and drop bombs and shoot weapons.

9) Make the caliber of weapons and the gunpowder more and more powerful.

10) Let ships of sea have cannons to shoot at each other and land based forts or city strongholds.

11) Let ground based tanks give armor and let them crush whatever lie in their way.

12) Let them create TNT 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, a chemical compound with the formula C6H2(NO2)3CH3. This will bring explosive power!

13) Let them split the atom and create atomic bombs. It will kill 10,000+ people at one time and leave radiation to slowly kill the rest.

All text at this website is Copyright ©2005-2011 by Ronald C. Seman. All Rights Reserved.