Movies and TV

ALERT: Notifications especially for USA and England and Indian demons.

1) Humans are inherently a visual enticed and motivated biological unit. Slowly corrupt movies and television.

2) Make sure to take the value out of the family.

3) Show divorce is common and acceptable.

4) Make smoking cigarettes cool. This will help the humans waste their money and get cancer and increase health care costs.

5) Always make it cool for actors to have alcoholic drinks in their hand.

6) Have lots of nightclub and bar scenes to get them thinking of drinking, lewd dancing, and sex.

7) Promote gambling through emphasis on Las Vegas.

8) Stifle the people who say gambling and lottos are taxes on the ignorant.

9) Further promote lying by marketing Las Vegas with a slogan of "Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

10) Make the father figure dumb. Start that in cartoons like the Simpsons.

11) Make television shows where the young women are very promiscuous and in fact encourage teen pregnancy. Perhaps create a show on it.

12) Even if the TV show is not nasty, insert nasty commercials! They might not be expecting them.

All text at this website is Copyright ©2005-2012 by Ronald C. Seman. All Rights Reserved.