
HIGH ALERT: Notifications for ALL demons.

1) As we know communicating to the humans' Heavenly Father in that bloody Son's name is the most powerful weapon in their arsenal so it MUST BE INTERRUPTED and STOPPED IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER!

2) Keep humans B.U.S.Y. which means of course Being Under Satan's Yoke.

3) When they awake make sure they immediately think about chores or work they must do.

4) If possible let them think of concerns and worry to distract them. Worry is a wonderful sin isn't it?

5) If they commute by car to work or school let a driver under our control cut them off to distract them.

6) If they drive let the radio be left on by the previous driver or make them think to turn it on to prevent prayer.

7) Aren't some of those Christian Radio stations inspiring? NOT! You have succeeded so well my demons, I must admit, in making Christian radio stations focus on news, traffic, weather and chit chat so much and so less on the Word of God. These stations, like 90.1 FM, Moody Radio in Chicago, IL USA is an example. The preponderance of their broadcasts is the word of man and NOT the Word of God! Score 1 for the dark side, or is it the HOT SIDE?

8) Because fuel prices are ever increasing, well done on manipulating oil oligopolies, have more and more people car pooling. This will prevent them from prayer time.

9) If the human chooses public transportation such as a bus or train, let them be distracted by the aromas alluring them.

10) Furthermore on public transportation let the humans be distracted by the opposite sex.

11) In addition make sure that there is always a discarded newspaper laying about that they would choose to read instead of having quiet time.

12) Oh and with the advent of higher technologies let them use cellular phones to distract one another.

13) Why not let them use cellular email and internet surfing to waste time.

14) And of course how can we forget the hot laptop and Wi-Fi so they can do work before and after work! This will help them climb and fall on the corporate ladder.

15) When in public places for lunch and dinner let them be embarrassed to praise and thank their God. This will impact others in that they will feel peer pressure to NOT pray.

16) Totally keep their children busy with events and sports after school so they can seldom have dinner together as a family and have prayers.

17) The television is such a good tool to just let them droole from their couch and get so sleepy that they just want to dive into bed and NOT read their Bible, a form of prayer, or offer thanks or requests.

18) And stop those Sunday school teachers from coming up with acronyms for "pray". You know like that one ACTS = Adoration, Confession, Thanks, Supplication. Well the supplication one is good because those kids don't understand that one!

19) Let a catch phrase come to vogue, "All we can do now is pray." They are so STUPID those idiotic humans for if they prayed FIRST, they wouldn't get themselves into the messes that we so love them to be into.

20) I have much more to communicate to you on this subject but I have to attend to some pressing matters as a fallen one is starting to look up to that bloody Son!

All text at this website is Copyright ©2005-2011 by Ronald C. Seman. All Rights Reserved.