Deccani Men's Clothing

Men's clothing of the Deccani sultanate was very heavily influenced by Mughal fashions of the time, which were in turn influenced by Mongolian fashion. Similar styles can be seen in Persian illumination.While it may look kind of scary and ornate, the easiest way to capture the "flavor" of Deccani style is with a white tunic (an undertunic works fine!), a sash or whatever color you would normally wear your belt, and trousers or a straight-leg or tapered-ankle variety. Anything marked with an asterisk (*) can be considered "Nice, but optional".


    • Any standard "SCA Undertunic" can serve this purpose.

    • White or colored cotton, linen or silk

    • Mid-thigh length or longer


    • The crossover coat that we typically associate with Mongolian SCA-style is very appropriate for use in Deccani outfits. Anything with obviously Chinese-influenced patterns should be avoided, but plain cottons or silks would be fine.



    • About 1’ wide and long enough to go around your body once and have at least 2-3’ of “hangdown” on each end. The ends of the sash should ideally hang about mid-shin.


    • Tying a turban is serious business. I know guys who have been tying turbans for years who still have a hard time getting it right. However, if you're feeling brave or ambitious, give it a shot!

    • Deccani turbans are of a unique style, where the majority of the turban is on the top of the head, and appears to be held on by a wide band that goes over the crown and down around the nape. Sometimes this band is jewelled or made of pearls. As this style no longer seems to be worn in India, no intructions are available.

    • has instructional videos on tying several different types of turbans. I would recomend trying one of the following if you would like a turban with the same stylistic resemblance of a Deccani turban:

        • Dhamala /Dumalla #3

        • Boys "House" Turban #1 (Keski)


    • Sandals

    • Boots or shoes

        • May have slightly pointy or upturned toe