About Photo-Documentation

Yellow Rail walk at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Texas, April 15, 2012 - Photo by Greg Page

This site is not meant to replace any part of the review process of the TBRC. All documentation of Review Species should go through the Texas Bird Records Committee. Photographs\videos of Review Species on this site (preferably images with no Identification uncertainties) can be submitted for direct display, but sometimes may be used only after consultation with the TBRC. A list of review species, as well as forms for documentation, can be found at their website.

Part of the remit of the TBRC is to ensure the accuracy of all records of birds in Texas. In pursuance of this, the TBRC will oversee regional rarities placed on the Texas Bird Image Archive and from time to time may request that a record be reviewed by the TBRC. A consequence might be that a particular record will be deemed insufficiently documented and either labelled as such or removed from the image archive.

Note: In the case of confusing, non-reviewed Texas species, the posting of images on this website does not automatically presume a position on a bird’s precise identity. In many cases (i.e. most empidonax flycatchers), the birds are photographed by experienced birders or they are identified by voice, but this website does not always receive such information. If any image on this site becomes decidedly questionable over time, we may take it off the site. However, no image will be publicly discussed on this website as it is not in itself a forum for review.

Read about the overall mission of the Texas Bird Archive.

From 2012 forward, this site will accept most pictures of birds of accidental, casual, and rare occurrence based on the typical checklist status for that bio-geographic region as long as the birds are identifiable.

At this time, all birds of common to uncommon status will be added only if... 1. The species is not currently represented in the archive, 2. the image it replaced needed to be upgraded in quality, 3. the specific bird is out of season or outside typical parameters, 4. a female representative of that species would add educational value, or 5. The bird has some unique plumage characteristic in the said photograph.

Terms and Conditions: All submissions must have the author's name and the exact dates and county in which the photo was taken.We request all photo-images submitted should be sized to 1024 x 768 pixels or smaller. If the images come larger, they will be resized to 1024 x 768 or smaller depending on the quality of the image. We try not to crop any images, but there are some exceptions. All images will be "optimized" for web viewingin order to reduce the byte size.

The submissions to this website are not in photographic competition. We fully expect there may be some submitted images that already have software corrections to brightness, contrast, or tone. In order to enhance viewing on this site, we too will occasionally try to correct washed out images with Photoshop software. Outside of some minor cropping or auto-correction, however, we do not manufacture or substantially alter any bird or background within an image. Nor do we expect the photographers to have substantially manufactured the images in such a way as to add new data to the image. Should any image come under question in this manner, it will likely be taken down.

Nearly all videos on this site are links to personal videos on Youtube. Anyone with a relevant Youtube account can send a link to the webmaster. For people wishing to create their own free Youtube account, please refer to this link. Occasionally, this site will find it useful to add audio files when they are relevant. Audio files or links to audio must be sent directly to the webmaster. If files are sent, we prefer a .WAV or MP3 file. These may be edited by the webmaster for general compatibility. You can view our audio page here.

Texasbirdimages does not own the exclusive rights to any of the photographs shown on this site. If you are interested in using a photograph that you have seen here in a presentation, publication, or on a website, you must contact the photographer directly and ask permission (and inquire about licensing and fees), as they own the copyright to their images.

Birds can be submitted to this website by actually emailing the images to texasbirdimages@gmail.com or by emailing the location of your Flickr, Photobucket, Smugmug, Facebook, or other online host site with permission to grab images and save for use on the texasbirdimages website.