Day of National Significance

6th of July 2011 - the Save Kapiti group and other similarly concerned groups from the Wellington area staged a March on Parliament against the motorway of 'National' significance that is being bulldozed through their 'Community of National Significance'.

Check out this page to see media coverage on the Save Our Rail Northland Planking event.

Save Our Rail Northland created a human railway at Mander Park in Whangarei ( to highlight both the selling of that park for road widening and the proposed dismantling of the North Auckland and Dargaville railway lines ) .

Details of plans for the day in Whangarei are here and an article appeared prior to the event in the Northern Advocate on Saturday the 25 th of June 2011 "Plankers rallying for rail line"

There are several other communities of 'National Significance' around New Zealand who are directly affected by the so called Roads of 'National' Significance projects and the closure of our regional railways AND there are a great many more of us People of National Significance out here who are concerned about the 'road' the National Government is taking us down. Please consider getting together with others in your area to discuss these issues and get photos of yourselves ( with placards etc) to send with messages to your MPs to let them know that you want to see an approach to the provision of transport infrastructure that will be more sensitive to the communities and environments that they are supposed to serve and more appropriate to the post peak oil age that we are already heading into.

Other groups such as the Rail and Marine Transport Union were considering sending photos of groups of themselves with placards to MPs

and will be holding a public rally on the 9th of July 2011 in support of the 40 workers at Hillside Workshops in Dunedin who are losing their jobs.

These are just a couple of examples of ideas activities that we can carry out wherever we happen to be at mid-day on the 6th of July 2011.

We'll keep posting other ideas we hear of for the Day of National Significance page on this web-page.

What could you do in your area on the day ?

Let us know @