
With potential for commuter rail to be extended through along the North Auckland Line through places like Kaukapakapa , residential land developments are starting to spring up.



The Kaukapakapa Area Residents and Ratepayers Association (KARRA)

Kaukapakapa News


Are you interested in helping to shape the future of Kaukapakapa? If so, you may be interested in dropping in to the Kaukapakapa Library while the Kaukapakapa Market is on, on Sunday 19th February 2012 from 8.30am until 1pm.

You will have the opportunity to assist with the creation of a long term vision for enhancement projects within Kaukapakapa. You will be asked questions such as "What do you like/dislike about Kaukapakapa?" And, "Do you have any ideas as to how Kaukapakapa could be enhanced?" Image boards will be on display. These will enable you to choose the photographs that you think best depict your vision for the future of Kaukapakapa.

If you want to have a say in the future of Kaukapakapa and are unable to make the Community Drop in Day contact either of the following local Landscape Architects who are assisting KARRA to put together a Kaukapakapa Design and Development Guideline.

The Kaukapakapa Area Residents and Ratepayers Association (KARRA) have received a funding grant from Auckland Council to prepare a Design and Development Guideline for Kaukapakapa. This guideline covers the area encompassed by the Structure Plan including the Village (and the north and south nodes).

It will build on the information provided by the Kaukapakapa Structure Plan and provide a more detailed level of design development based on the community vision for Kaukapakapa. The outcome will be to develop designs and development guidelines for a range of enhancement projects for the Village and local area. These can be implemented gradually over the coming years and provide guidance for any future developments which might occur.

Phase 1 of the project involves getting the communities feedback on the possible future character and facilities desired for Kaukapakapa. This will then guide designs for particular projects in future phases.

Resource Consent Application (Posted 5 November 2011.)

The Council has received Application for Resource Consent for the proposed development in Kaukapakapa between the hotel and the railway line. Anyone wishing to make a submission will need to do so before the 30th November. Copies of the application may be viewed at the Helensville Service Centre as well as the other sites listed in the notice.