09 - September 28, 2019

The hot days of summer were left behind for this month's FT match at the Sacramento Shooting Center, being in the upper 90's not 4 days ago! We had a mid-to-upper 60s day with high overcast and everything look shaded and muted, which makes for some interesting range finding and just a weird hue of the landscape in general.

With days getting shorter, we figured let's show up at 8:00 and get some help from the crew which is what happened being ready for practice by about 8:45.

With about 45 min of paper punching we realized the ever-present IONE winds were going to play with us no matter our feelings to the contrary.

We had a quick shooters meeting with a side note on the past month's activities with club members at the Pyramyd Cup in Ohio (early September) and our hosting of the California State match 2 weeks ago.

Been a busy month for quite a few of us yet here we are to do it once more! Squads assigned we're off and running by about 9:45 with 17 able and willing shooters addressing 14 lanes and 58 shots. ( 3 bell targets for offhand / kneeling )

Results are as follows; xx / 58


Jim C 53

Fred B 49

John B 46

Scott S 41

Rob R 39

Frank W 38

AJ 29

Larry G 23


Mark W 42

Zack L 32

Jesse A 20

Ken D 18


Dave C 51

Jack C 33


Son L 49

Riz M 46


Jim P 39

Remember that WIND .. well it was not a lot, but did do a near 180* switch from practice to match time and kept changing enough to really boggle many shooters lane to lane. You would be shooting one lane with a healthy windage fudge knocking down targets, then a short time later what felt equal in wind would bite you and you would be missing ... such was the day for many.

As they finished, everyone was able to eat right away having HOT Chili, Wieners with buns and condiments. Had the crew go out and clear the course before awards followed with AWARDS .. or as it is mentioning the top finish positions per class. Thank you once again for a another great match with near everyone's help to get it set and taken back down promptly and put away for another day.

** October 27th (a Sunday) in YOLO is going to be our Member Appreciation Match where we will have raffles and goodies for those in attendance who shot 2 or more SVFTC matches this year. It is our way of saying THANK YOU for supporting the SVFTC each season. Extra funds collected beyond our costs and expenditures over the year are returned via this year end match and raffle. While we plan on a November match to end the season officially, it is weather dependent.

Looking forward to seeing ALL OUR MEMBERS one last time before winter's here .... Keep practicing and we'll see you in October.

Scott Schneider

Jim Cyran


Pictures of the Star Wars set below ...