09 - Sept. 23, 2018

Our FT season is winding down with September's match likely one from the end :P OCTOBER is going to be the SVFTC Shooter / Participation APPRECIATION MATCH where we will have a full day of FT shooting a 60-shot CHALLENGING match to test your skills learned ... have a Good Lunch after and then Prizes / Goodies given away to those shooters present.

On to the Match we just shot last Sunday ....

While the heat of summer just refuses to lessen its grip this late in the season, we did get a dip in temp for us on Sunday with 70s during the course of the match which was speedy being done give or take @ 12:30.

The course setup started a tad early being a tad past 7:30 a.m. with a few folks there to get it done before most showed up.

We set up a 56-shot course which varied in KZ sizes with some 3/8" and 1/2" in close and 4 targets of 1 /1/2" and a single 2" out 50 to 55 yards.

Ione winds ... Yup that seems to be a given and no disappointment there :o Blessed with switching L/R then R/L it also turned 90 degrees for a spell blowing from our backs ... ARE WE HAVING FUN YET OR WHAT !

This kept most a bit unsettled in what to do as each shot was taken ... those more experienced being able to shift their POA on the fly indeed had the advantage. But all learned something we hope ;)

The day's scores are as follows ...


Riz M 51 * Match high score

Robert S 47


Bob K 43

Jim P 28


Scott S 48

Dana W 47

Tom K 42


Charlie L 40

Ken D 27


Fred B 50

Zack L 46

Mike C 43

Marty G 41

John B 40

Jim M 38

Frank W 37

After we speedily tore down the course and packed it up, we had some light lunch / munchies and let everyone go earlier than normal to get on with their day.

Thank you to Fred B for taking on the food chores this month while our Co-Match Director Jim C was in Ohio shooting the Pyramid cup FT match.

CYA All IN OCTOBER AT THE YOLO FACILITY ...... Thank you for the help, coming out to shoot and having a good time, and until next time ..... practice practice practice !!

Scott Schneider

Match Director