2016 - Operate Indoors

For 2016 I had too many other obligations for Saturday so I was not able to get away from the house or put in much time. Rats!! Hopefully next year will be better.

I decided to enter as a Home Station using 900 mW from the 1 Watter that I built in August 2015. It has been a fun radio and, as of February 6, 2016 I had made over 550 QSOs, worked 48 states lacking only NE and MT, worked four provinces, and worked 25 DXCC entities. To accompany the 1 Watter, I had finished building the Digital Fist Recorder by Mike, N2HTT, and featured in the November 2015 QST. Finishing the indoor equipment was a Chinese Army K4 straight key.

I used my trusty Force 12 C4SXL at 60 feet. It makes a big difference when using 900 mW.

In the 1 and a half hours I was able to operate, I made 12 Qs with 9 SPCs for a score of 432. The coldest temperature I received was a 26F from Jack, KS9M, in Ohio.

It wasn't my usual outdoor activity, but it was a fun short diversion from the day's other obligations.