FYBO 2011 - Operate in the truck

We had lots of snow around Thanksgiving and again around Christmas, but most of it was gone by the middle of January. All week long the forecast was for rain and wind for Saturday, so I gave up on the snow pit idea. Still wanting to get out away from the house, I decided to use hamstick antennas on the truck and operate from a high point in town. Operating from the truck with hamstick antennas would be a good shake down for the 7th Area QSO Party in May.

Friday night it rained, as predicted, got below freezing, then warmed to about 40F as the front passed through. Following a breakfast of oatmeal, I drove to a parking lot in town and was on 40 m by 1520Z, which is barely light here. Nothing doing on 40, so I changed to the 20 m antenna and soon worked Ken, WA8REI, in MI and Mike, NQ7RP, in AZ for the bonus. It was cloudy all day long with 10 to 15 mph breezes, but the promised rain never did show up. It felt rather like cheating while I was sitting in the truck. With only me providing the heat, the truck warmed up to 55. I occasionally opened the windows, but couldn’t get it below 40 for the extra multiplier, so I let it warm up. The K2, Bencher paddles, and a 33 AHr battery did a good job.

I went until 2300Z and made 40 QSOs with folks participating in FYBO and 5 more with ones that just stopped by for a quick QSO. Several of the FYBO participants were old friends, N4BP, N0P (really W0RW), NK9G, NK6A, K6BBQ, and AK1P, to name a few. The lowest temp I received was from Larry, WQ0RP, in MN (of course) at 19. Other sub-freezing ops were K8MHO, K0ZK, KX0R (in CA!), K0JVX, and AA0RQ. It seemed like many more folks were at home in 60 + temps than were out doors.

It was good to get away from the house for my 14th FYBO since they began in 1997. Maybe next year it will again be sitting in the snow.