2020 7th Call Area QSO Party


There isn't much to tell about results for this one. The week before 7QP my wife had emergency hip replacement surgery. Taking care of her at home was more important than 7QP. No Qs this year, but I'll be back in 2021.

Plan C

Due to the aftermath of a medical emergency, I will not be out on the road this year. At best, I'll be at home in IDLAT for a few hours at a time.

Plan B

The original plan won't work due to Stay-At-Home orders so I've revised it to only Idaho Counties and only those close to home, Moscow. I'll be the driver and operator so it will be a stop and operate in a county for at least half an hour then drive to the next one and again stop and operate.

I'll leave from home in Latah County before the Party begins heading south to Idaho County then head north for Lewis, Nez Perce, Latah, Clearwater, Shoshone, Benewah, and Kootenai Counties. Bands will be 20 and 40 m.

You can work K7TQ each time I change bands or counties. Watch the RBN for K7TQ/county, or some variation of that. I'll try to be on CW frequencies ending in 038.5, such as 14038.5, 7038.5, and 3538.5 kHz.

Here is the schedule when I'll be operating in each county.

May 2, 2020

The Plan

Jay, WA0WWW, and I will start in MT Beaverhead Co then twelve ID counties, a brief excursion into OR for Malher Co, back to ID for six more counties, into WA for Whitman Co, and finally ending in ID Latah Co for a total of 22 counties in four states. All the operation will be CW. The rest of the time we will split between 40 m and 20 m. You can work us each time we change bands or counties. Watch the RBN for K7TQ/county, or some combination of that, because we will add the current county to the callsign. Our sunset will be around 0350 UTC so we will concentrate more on 40 and 80 after that. We will try to be on CW frequencies ending in 038.5, such as 7038.5 or 14038.5 kHz.

Here is our schedule of when we will enter a county and a route map.

May 2 and 3, 2020