2021 Kansas QSO Party


Unfortunately, Jay and I were not able to participate in the party. While in route to Kansas, I received a message that I was needed at home for a probable medical issue, so Jay and I headed back to Moscow.

Bob Harder, W0BH, was able to put N0Q on the air so if you worked N0Q, please send QSL requests to him at

Bob Harder, PO Box 746, Hesston, KS 67062

Jay and I hope to give another go in 2022.

The Plan

Jay, WA0WWW, and I will activate 25 counties on August 28 and 29 using the 1x1 call of N0Q. We will be CW only somewhere in the mobile window of 35 to 40 up from the band edge. During the day we will try to be on both 20 and 40 m in each county. After our sunset around 0115Z we will be less on 20 m and more on 40 m and possibly 80 m. In each county we will try to be active for at least 30 minutes. In addition to the RBN, the KSQP Spotting Network will be a great site to follow us, the other mobile and fixed KS stations. You can work us each time we change bands or counties.

The Ohio and Hawaii QSO Parties will also be going on, so listen carefully for them, too. We will add our county to the end of our call, such as N0Q/NES, when CQing.

Our call of N0Q will be one of the three "Q" calls that contribute to the spelling of "QSO PARTY" using the last letter of the 1x1 calls. Further info.

Here are the counties we will be in during our morning, afternoon, and evening for both days.

1400 to 1700 UTC August 28

  • Sherman, Wallace, Greeley, Hamilton, Stanton, Morton

1700 to 0100 UTC August 28 and 29

  • Morton, Stevens, Seward, Meade, Clark, Ford, Gray, Haskell

0100 to 0200 UTC August 29

  • Haskell, Grant, Kearny, Finney

1400 to 1700 UTC August 29

  • Wichita, Scott, Lane, Ness, Trego, Gove

1700 to 2000 UTC August 29

  • Gove, Logan, Thomas, Rawlins

N0Q's planned route