Standard E

The teacher models, guides and encourages legal, ethical, safe and healthy behavior related to technology use.


Standard E Artifacts

  1. Facilitates student investigations of the legal and ethical issues related to technology and society; teaches students that copyright laws are created for a reason.
  2. Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate uses of the Internet and written communication.
  3. Identifies the risks of academic dishonesty for students.9Demonstrates an awareness of how the use of technology may impact student testing performance.
  4. Uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights policies and fair use standards.
  5. Provides students with an understanding of the importance of Acceptable Use Policies (AUP).
  6. Demonstrates knowledge of resources and techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate use of electronically accessed data or information.
  7. Informs students of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their names or online submissions may be shared with others.