Love Your Body Action

Post date: Oct 13, 2010 1:18:11 AM


Every day we’re exposed to images depicting impossible standards of how women are supposed to look. If only we would buy this make up, diet aid, or ‘skinny’ jeans, we might be beautiful. Then again, we probably need cosmetic surgery to fix our sagging chins, eyes, or stomachs too. Maybe doing all three will make us beautiful. Or not. There’s always another thing to buy in the elusive pursuit of beauty when you live in a consumer nation.

The truth is women come in all sizes, ages, and ethnicities. We are all beautiful. Beauty comes from within, from our acceptance of ourselves.

On Oct. 20, we will celebrate “Love Your Body” day. To counter the negative messages that bombard us, I’m suggesting Pasco NOW do an action ripped from an article I read in an issue of Better Homes and Gardens. Let’s put positive messages out there. Using a notepad with pages that stick to surfaces, write notes (See suggestions below.) and place them on mirrors in rest rooms, fitting rooms and hair salons.

You are beautiful just as you are.

You are beautiful at any size.

You are beautiful at any age.

You are so beautiful. Yes, I mean you.

If you would like more information on this issue, including alternate actions you can take, please review the NOW Love Your Body website at
