
Good info here, plus pictures forthcoming. I'll post them when they arrive. (It may take awhile, due to Naegle's limited internet access)

A: --Yeah, Police Dogs. ;-) (aka idk)

Q: Have the runoff ponds/water lakes in the nearby golf course been checked?

A: (sorry) I know the golf course has been cheked extensivly, but I really don't know if that includes the water traps.

Q: We get pictures? Of every IHOP in Vegas, every DI, or what? ;)

A: I made the fam park our rental just like Steven's car was found and took pictures for you all. I probably won't get those out to you until tomorrow though.

A: You ask below if the phone records would show a cab.

Q: Yeah...but what if he was using a pay phone? (We can't discount that.)

A: There were no pay phones in that neighborhood so if one did pick him up it wouldn't be on Mr. Security's camera. I'll look into getting someone to call the cab companies though.

Q: What areas were searched, with ATVs/dogs/air? Near where the car was found?

A: I'm not sure about the exact area, but I believe the around the car was searched with dogs, air and ATV search the mountiains nearby, and volunteers canvassed the whole neighborhood again.

A: Also, the police plan another search soon. "To see if anything washed out with the storm." I'm trying my best to think that "anything" means his cell or wallet. =/


We are getting more people involved and everyone is being so good to us.

Like I said in one of the other emails the police are planning another big search. We're also trying to get another LE agency involved, but apparently they don't play well together so it may be slow going.

That neighborhood is incredible! There's no way he went there randomly! Just crazy.