
1- Separation of conflicting properties in space

To suppress dust in mine during mountain works, a spray of dispersed water drops is used. Small water drops work well however they turn into fog, but large drops do not remove dust. It is proposed to surround the jet of small drops by a "cone" formed by large drops.

2- Separation of conflicting properties in time

The aircraft, with changeable geometry of a wing

See Inventive Standard 1.2.3

3- System transition 1a: Combination of homogeneous or heterogeneous systems in a super-system

To process sides of thin glass plate, several plates are combined into block by glue to prevent thin glass from breaking.

Computers are combined to network, that give possibility to use one printer or internet connection for the whole group.

See Inventive Standard 3.1.1

4- System transition 1b: Transition to a system to an anti-system or combination of system with anti-system

To stop bleeding, a napkin with the blood of different group is used.

See Inventive Standard 3.1.3

5- System transition 1c: The entire system has a property X while its parts have a property opposite to X (anti-X)

The working part of vice to grip complex shape elements are made from segmented bushes capable to move relative to each other. Elements of various shapes can be gripped quickly and easily. Parts are solid, but the fixing device is soft.

Koulikov's antenna includes the brushes on a string. Each part (i.e., each brush) is rigid, while the antenna as whole is flexible.

6- System transition 2: Transition to system that works on the micro level

To increase accuracy, instead of mechanical tap it is used "thermal tap". Parts of "thermal tap" have different coefficient of thermal expansion. Gap is formed by heating.

7- Phase transition 1: Substitution of the phase state of a system's part or external environment

It is proposed to use liquefied gas, instead compressed gas for pneumatic systems in mine

See Inventive Standard 5.3.1

8- Phase transition 2: Dual phase state of a system part (using substances capable of converting from one to another according to operating conditions

To improve performance of heat-exchanger it is proposed to make "petals" (small flat parts onto surface) from nickel-titanium alloy. When temperature increases, the "petals" is unbent and increases the heat exchanger working area (shape memory effect)

See Inventive Standard 5.3.2

9- Phase transition 3: Using of phenomena associated with phase transitions

To transport frozen loads it is proposed to use bars of ice as support (friction is decreased through ice melting)3

See Inventive Standard 5.3.3

10- Phase transition 4: Substitution of a mono-phase substance with a dual phase state

To polish some elements, the polishing media consists of melted lead (plumbum) with ferromagnetic abrasive particles.

See Inventive Standards 5.3.4, 5.3.5

11- Physical-chemical transition: Substance appearance-disappearance as a result of decomposition-combination, ionization-recombination

The rubbing surface of a wooden bearing is plasticized by ammonia. To increase productivity and reduce cost of process it is proposed to use an ammonium salt(for instance (H4)2CO3) that decomposes under heating during process (source of heat - elements friction)

See Inventive Standards 5.51, 5.5.2