
GROUP 1.1. Synthesis of SFMs

Main idea of this group is explained in Standard 1.1.1: for synthesis new working system it is necessary to transit from non-SFM to the SFM. Sometimes synthesis of SFM has difficulties from problem situation limits for introduction of substances and fields. Standards 1.1.2 – 1.1.8 propose the typical special ways for those situations.

Synthesis of SFM 1.1.1

If there is an object which is not easy to change as required, and the conditions do not contain any restrictions on the introduction of substances and fields, the problem is to be solved by synthesizing a SFM: the object is subjected to the action of a physical field which produces the necessary change in the object. The missing elements being introduced accordingly.


To remove air from a powdered substance, the substance is subjected to centrifugal forces [A.c2.283885].(A.c. denotes the Russian "Author's Certificate", which is similar to a patent, but where the patentholding party is the Russian government).

S1 – air, S2 – powdered substance, F – centrifugal forces.


Gravity and sawn-down tree do not form a Su-Field Model because the second substance does not exist and thus the field does not process the tree. It was proposed [A.c.461722] as the tree falls it meets the cutting device:

S1 – tree; F – gravity; S2 – cutting device

To accurately dispense granular or liquid materials they should be spread evenly on an easily withdrawn base material (paper, for example). This "sandwich" illustrates the transition from one substance to two. Then, to eliminate the "base" we can build a Su-Filed model by introducing a field such as a thermal or mechanical field.


To increase the accuracy of dispensing a unit-volume mass of granular material (such as

when dispensing an abrasive during wear-testing of an accelerating internal combustion

engine), the abrasive is evenly spread ahead of time on the surface of a flexible, combustible tape. The tape is then delivered at a constant speed into the combustive zone, where it burns

as the abrasive moves to the tested object [A.c. 305363].

Transition to internal complex SFM 1.1.2.

If there is a SFM which is not easy to change as required and the conditions do not any restrictions on the introduction of additive to given substances, the problem is to be solved by a transition (permanent or temporary) to an Internal Complex SFM, introducing additive in the S1 or S2 enhancing controllability or imparting the required properties to the SFM:

S1 – product, S2 – tool, S3 – additive; brackets for signify internal complex interaction (external complex interaction is signified without brackets).


To provide mass-transfer process with viscous liquid, a gas is added to the liquid in advance (gasified). The bubbles of gas intensify the mass-transfer process [A.c.265068].

(S1 – product of process; S2 – viscous liquid; F – interaction forces; S3 – bubbles of gas)

In a valve used with toxic and explosive substances. The valve body is filled with an easily melted solder containing ferro-magnetic particles, and an Electro-magnet is placed outside the valve [1044879].


Sometimes the problem description includes two substances that interact minimally or not at all with the field. In formal terms, the Su-field Model (SFM) is complete because all three elements are in place, however, these elements do not represent a working SFM. In this case, the easiest "indirect" method to introduce an additive (i.e., a method by which an additive is introduced without actually being introduced) is to incorporate an internal additive inside one of the substances, or an additive that is external to one of the substances. That sort of SFM was named complex (standards 1.1.2, 1.1.3)

Sometimes the same solution (depending on the problem description) can be presented either as building a SFM or as creating a complex SFM. For example, the problem of visually detecting small liquid drops can be solved by synthesizing a SFM: introduce a luminophore into the liquid beforehand, the illuminate the place where drops can appear with an ultraviolet light (A.c. 277805). This problem was originally stated as: "How can leaks in a refrigeration unit be detected?" Here we consider leaks (gaps) and the liquid drops leaking through them as substances. The luminiphore is an additive that creates an Internal Complex SFM with the substance "liquid".

Transition to External Complex SFM 1.1.3.

If there is a SFM which is not easy to change as required, and the conditions contain restrictions on the introduction of additives in the existing substances (S1 or S2), the problem is to be solved by a transition (permanent or temporary) to an External Complex SFM, attaching to one of this substances (S1 or S2) an external substance S3 enhancing controllability or imparting the required properties to the SFM.

S1 – leak (include pipe); S2 – tester; F – field of detection; S3 – heat-conductive paint (detector).

For instance, if the problem description related to detecting leaks in the refrigeration unit contains a restriction: it is prohibited to add luminophores to the liquid. In this case, the substance-detector can be placed on the external surface of the unit [A.c. 311109]. The External Complex SFM is created.

Transition to SFM by using external environment 1.1.4.

If there is a SFM which is not easy to change as required, and the conditions contain restrictions on the introduction or attachment of substances, the problem has to be solved by synthesizing a SFM using external environment as substance.


It is necessary to increase reliability of returning of self-dumping barge to the initial position after unloading. It was proposed to use as keel the cistern with holes. This kind of "keel" conducts with outboard environment permanently [A.c.175835].

A centrifugal gauge for rotational speed consists of levers and loads. To reduce the dimensions and weight of the gauge, its loads are made in winged form to create additional lifting force during rotation [A.c.358689].

Transition to SFM by using external environment with additives 1.1.5.

If the external environment does not contain ready substances required to synthesize a SFM by 1.1.4 rule, these substances can be obtained by replacing the external environment with another one, or by decomposing the environment or by introducing additives in it.


To improve the damping of a plain journal bearing, its lubricant (which in this case can be considered as an environment) is gasified by decomposition of the lubricant via electrolysis [A.c.796500].

Minimum mode of action 1.1.6.

If a minimum (i.e., measured, optimal) mode of action is required, but it is difficult or impossible to provide it under the conditions of the problem, one should use a maximum mode, while the surplus of the action is then removed. The surplus field can be removed by a substance, while the surplus substance can be removed by field.


To make a thin layer of paint it is proposed that a surplus layer be applied to the product by dipping it into the paint. Then, the product is rotated quickly so that centrifugal force removes the surplus paint [A.c.242714].

S1 – paint; S2 – product; F – centrifugal forces

To improve the quality of copy-machine image a surplus amount of toner is applied. It is proposed to eliminate the surplus toner during the process of developing the picture [A.c.907503].

Maximum mode of action 1.1.7.

If a maximum mode of action on a substance is required but this is not allowed for some reason, thenmaximum action should be maintained but directed to another substance attached to the first one.


When manufacturing pre-stressed concrete, it is possible to use metal wire instead of rods. But the wire has to be stretched. To do this it has to be heated up to 700°C what is not allowed (allowed temperature 400°C). It is proposed to attach wire to the rod, which is heated, while the wire remains cold [A.c.120909].

(S1 – wire; S2 – rod; F - heating)

Selective-maximum mode 1.1.8.

If a selective-maximum mode is required (maximum in certain zones while the minimum mode is maintained in other zones), the field should be maximal; field is maximum: in this case a protective substance is to be introduced in all places where a minimum action is required.

Example: When sealing a glass ampoule with liquid medicine, an overheated glass might destroy the medicine. It is proposed to put the ampoules into water and leave the ampoule's tip above the water. Water protects the medicine into ampoules from overheating [A.c.264619]. field is minimum: in this case a substance producing a local field (for instance: thermit compounds for thermal action or explosive ones for mechanical action) is to be introduced in places where a maximum action is required.

Example: To weld two metal parts, an exothermic powder producing extra heat is introduced between the parts [A.c.743810].